C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E

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_____________________________TRIGGER WARNING: MENTIONS OF RAPE, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, DRUGS, AND ASSAULT_____________________________

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Twisted~ MISSIO

~B L A I S E ' S S T O R Y~
"Now that you know how messed up I am, are you gonna leave me?"

"MY DAD died when I was thirteen," Blaise mumbles. She's currently curled up in Saints arms, the two of them cuddling on his bed. His mom would normally forbid such things from happening, but seeing as Blaise was hysterical and Mrs. Donovan doesn't come back until Monday, it's alright for today.

"He was a police officer and it was a robbery when he was off-duty. Some douche wanted to rob a 7-11 and my father was trying to calmly negotiate with the man, telling him that he should just leave with the money and no one would call the cops. But the guy wanted street cred or some shit, so he shot him since he's a cop. Apparently killing a cop can get you into any gang." Blaise scoffs. "I can't believe that he just killed my dad for an easy way in to some shitty gang."

Blaise sighs softly. "My dad's death really messed me up. He was my best friend, my role model, my rock. I couldn't imagine life without him. So I started lashing out. Every other day I was in a fight with someone. It was too much for the school I was in so they kicked me out. Then the next one, and the next one, and the next. Until, finally, I came here."

She looks up and Saint. "You asked why I don't like pink anymore? It's because that was my dad's favorite color to dress me in all the time, and with him gone, I felt that I had no reason to like the color. It reminded me too much do the good times that would never come back."

"By the time I got into freshman year, everyone knew me as 'the girl with the dead dad'. I was considered a menace, so most people steered clear. Except for two— Spencer and... Malik." She bites her lip to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks.

Taking in a shaky breath, Blaise continues. "Malik was a senior at the time. He saw one of my fights and said that he wanted to train me to work with him."

"What did he do?" Saint asks softly, running his fingers through her hair.

Blaise sighs in content at the comfort she's feeling from the action. "He was in a gang called the Devil Serpents. The gang wasn't too big, maybe thirty members, and they didn't cause much trouble. They started off as a biker gang, actually, but since territory and women seem to be the thing guys argue most about, they started getting into fist and even gun fights with other gangs. But that was really it. They weren't trying to take over the town or anything— well, at least the leader— Death is his name— wasn't."

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