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The Jungle ~ Oliver Malcolm

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The Jungle ~ Oliver Malcolm

~M C ' S A N G E L S~
"I'm saving my boyfriend, not walking in a fashion show!"

"So, what's the plan, MC?" Spencer asks once everyone is gathered in the living room.

"Alright, first thing's first, we need to have the cops and an ambulance on sight. Saint could be injured, as well as some of the guys that we capture. They might even have more people there, so we need to take precautions. The police will capture Malik, whoever Sunny John is, and those two guys who took Saint. Oh! We should make sure to have Trixy at the station to identify them as well."

"Alright. Can one of you guys get the cops and the hospital on the phone? Tell them everything MC just told us," Will orders one of her father's staff.

"How do we get Saint out of there, though? Security must be high in that place," Spencer wonders.

Ingrid turns to Blaise. "How many men does Malik have under his wing?"

Blaise thinks back to the time when he introduced her to all of the men in his secret gang a few years back.

"It was twenty... maybe twenty-five guys? But, it's been four years and he's probably had time to connect with people in prison, especially since he was magically able to get out six years before his sentence ended. At this point, he could have a whole syndicate."

Ingrid shakes her head. "He wouldn't put all of his eggs in one basket. He probably has only a handful of men on site and the rest hiding out somewhere else. Criminals like him wouldn't be stupid enough to get their whole operation taken down if they get caught."

"We should still make sure, though," Spencer says.

"Alright. Then how about Ahanu takes Ingrid to the wearhouse, have her sneak in, hack into their security system, and then we'll have a better scope of the place," MC suggests.

Ingrid and Ahanu look at each other.

"I'm fine with it as long as you are," Ahanu says.

Ingrid shrugs. "I've got nothing better to do."

MC looks at her phone. "You guys should probably go within the hour, seeing as Blaise wants us to be there tonight."

"I don't have my equipment on me," Ingrid informs.

MC snaps her fingers twice, causing one of the women in the room to hand her a duffel bag filled with hacking and surveillance devices. She hands it to Ingrid.

"Will these do the trick?"

Ingrid gasps at all of the contents in the bag. "This is enough stuff to hack into the Pentagon!" She motions for Ahanu to follow her. "Let's go, Ahanu. Time for some fun."

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