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Middle Finger~ Bohnes

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Middle Finger~ Bohnes

~W E L C O M E~
"I'm going somewhere an angel like you doesn't belong."

ON THIS bright Monday morning, Blaise calmly walks to school. Well, on the outside she looks calm. But if you watch carefully, you can see her fists clench around her bag straps, and her eyes scanning her surroundings thoroughly. She doesn't want Malik or one of his lackeys to pop out of nowhere and jump her.

As Blaise makes it to the school, though, she's met with a sight of chaos. Police are scurrying around, an ambulance is right outside the front, crime scene tape is being put out in front of the school doors, and all of her classmates and teachers are in a state of panic. Spencer, MC, and Will run up to her.

She surveys her friends' faces. MC looks worried, Will looks confused, and Spencer looks like he could murder someone at any moment.

"Blaise!" MC cries, crashing into her and squeezing her in a rib-crushing hug.

"Can't. Breathe," she croaks.

MC quickly pulls away and gives her an apologetic smile. "Sorry."

Blaise straightens her outfit. "What the fuck is going on here?" She asks.

Spencer clenches his jaw. "It's fucked up, Blaise. Everything is fucked up," he growled.

Blaise raises an eyebrow. "What do you mea—" she freezes.

Coming out of the school are several paramedics carrying a familiar figure in a stretcher. Blaise rushes over to them, only to see what she hoped was her eyes playing a trick on her.

"Gangsta H?" She breathes.

His eyes flutter open, revealing foggy irises. "Hey sweetheart."

"What— how— who?" She's at a loss for words. Who could possibly take down Gangsta H? He's stronger than most people a third of his age, and he's loved by his community. How could someone hurt such an amazing man? How could someone hurt her protector?

"Stop crying, little girl. I taught you better than this," he scolds playfully, wiping the tears that Blaise didn't even feel running down her cheeks.

She turns to one of the paramedics. "Is he going to be okay? Do you know who did this? Does his wife know that— oh my God, what about his children? What about his grandchildren?!" She's starting to freak out again.

"Ma'am, I'll need you to calm down—" one of the paramedics starts.

Mr. H holds up his hand. I got this. He mouthes to them.

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