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Blaise up top 😁

Alrighty Aphrodite~ Peach Pit

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Alrighty Aphrodite~ Peach Pit

~N E W  K I D~
"Stop touching my ass, dipshit."

BLAISE NIGHTSHADE usually hates mornings. They wake her up from her much-needed sleep and remind her of school. She has calculus first period too, so that makes her hate mornings just that much more. But today, she's grateful for her annoying alarm. It woke her up from the terrible dream that she was having.

Dream? More like flashback. She thinks bitterly as she brushes her teeth.

Once she finishes that, she quickly take a shower. Once she's done and she pulls on her cropped Pink Floyd T-shirt, some black leggings, and her favorite pair of combat boots, Blaise walks into her room and moves over to the small vanity opposite her door. She puts on her foundation, concealer, winged eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm to finish off her morning routine. Blaise ties her long, straight black hair into a lazy ponytail and makes sure that there isn't any black smudges on her soft, tan skin from her mascara. Her dull green eyes sweep over her body one last time to make sure that she looks presentable before she grabs her old, leather bag and hurries out of her apartment.

Blaise lives on the bad side of town. The side of town where parents tell their kids to stay away from because of the criminals that lurk in the shadows. Blaise doesn't own a car, not only because she can't afford one but because it would get stolen as soon as she pulled it into her shitty apartments parking lot, so she walks to school. Four miles everyday, to-and-from school. She would have a friend pick her up, but just like the kids at her school avoid her side of town, they avoid her as well. It's only her friend Spencer who talks to her at school. He's offered to drive her but Blaise doesn't take handouts.

The last time she did she ended up in a horrible situation.

After an hour, Blaise finally sees her school up ahead. She hates the place, she really does, but she's also glad to be out of her drab apartment. It's so small, cramped, and quiet. It doesn't feel homey at all. Not like the house she used to have, which was still small, but bright and cheery. If she was in a bad mood, she would just think of home and her day would get better. Now if she's in a bad mood, she just pulls out a cigarette and poisons her body.

"Blaise!" A familiar, deep voice calls.

Blaise tries to spot her friend Spencer in the crowd of students walking into school, but her short stature makes it impossible to see above most of the kid's shoulders. After a moment, she feels large hands on her waist and lips near her ear.

"You're here early," the husky voice whispers.

Blaise giggles when the person's breath hits her neck. "I woke up on time."

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