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Spencer up top 🤗

Melody~ Jeremy Zucker

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Melody~ Jeremy Zucker

~D A D D Y~
"You've got a kid?!"

SAINT STARTS his school day by hearing Blaise and Spencer arguing in the cafeteria. He sits down at their table, watching as Spencer eats his food with a smirk on his face while Blaise looks likes she's about to punch him. Granted, she always looks like that, but that's besides the point. The two teens don't even notice the tall boy walking up to them, their focus only on their food and childish disagreement.

"I thought that we weren't going to discuss this again, Spencer!" Blaise growls.

Spencer swallows a grape. "Come one, Blaise. You haven't even tried it yet."

"Just because I have daddy issues, does not mean that I will call you daddy to 'fill the void'," she snarls.

Saint blushes. He had figured out that the two had sex on a daily basis, especially since Blaise never denied Trixy when she said that Spencer and her hooked up, but he also knows that the two aren't dating. They don't have a romantic relationship at all. At times, maybe, but the two totally look like normal best friends.

"Come on! Why don't you just try it? I call you mama," Spencer reasons.

Okay so "normal" isn't the correct word to describe their friendship, benefits or not.

"No, Spencer. That's weird!" Blaise whines.

Spencer pouts. "Don't kink-shame, mama. Besides, plenty of guys liked to be called 'daddy', just like plenty of girls enjoy bo—"

Blaise slaps her hand over his mouth. "That was one time, Spencer! One time!"

Saint clears his throat. The two teens finally turn to look at him. Their eyes widen as if they really hadn't known that he was there.

"Good morning... you two," Saint greets sheepishly.

Spencer smirks under Blaise's hand. He bites her palm really quickly. Blaise yelps in pain and yanks her arm away, cradling her hand to her chest. Spencer turns to Saint and gives him a nod.

"G'day mate," he greets in his Australian accent. "Do you like it when a girl calls you 'daddy' when you're going down under on her?" He questions casually.

Saint's eyes widen into the size of saucers. "I-I-I'm sorry— what?" He stutters.

Spencer raises an eyebrow. "Blaise thinks that calling guys 'daddy' in bed is weird. Tell her that if she wants to really turn a guy on, calling them that will work."

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