A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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I would just like to warn you that it's almost three AM right now as I'm writing this, so if this note sucks that's why. Not to mention how I've just finished spending all night finishing this book 😭

So the book is over y'all! Finally, am I right? I'm gonna be honest, I'm so happy it's done. I've had this book planned for two years but because of... personal reasons I took many breaks while writing it. I promise to push myself harder to finish my next few books faster!

To all of those people who are still here reading: THANK YOU SO MUCH. I have no idea how you guys did it, but I'm glad you did. Honestly, I felt like no one would really like this book, mostly because of my weird upload schedule, but the messages and comments I got to ask me to update kept me going. I know that at least three of y'all liked this story lmao.

Just to let you guys know, that part about cherishing your loved ones in Blaise's speech came to me just now because a few days ago I lost a family member. I just wanted to tell my readers what I wished I did more with the people that I have lost.

On a less depressing note, let's talk about the future of my stories 🥳.

As you may have read from the description, this is the first book of the "BROKEN" series. I'm planning on having three books to this series. Now, I might change the name of series soon so don't get too attached to the name. But yeah, stay tuned for the rest of the stories in the series. Not mention the rest of my stories in general, since they're connected (see bio if you don't know what I'm talking about lol).

Alright well I'm sleepy and I still gotta write one more chapter so imma sign off.

Thanks Heaven On Fire. You were my escape when the world around me felt like too much deal with and when my thoughts felt like they were going to be the death of me. You really helped me grow as a writer and as a person and I'm just so glad that I didn't give up on you. I love you but it's time to let you go. For as we know, all good things come to an end.

Bye bye 💖

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