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. . . As much as I am happy, on the receipt there's a red line. . .

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CHAPTER 42—————

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Soji was becoming more anxious each second that they were standing there with Taehyung talking. Her heart wouldn't calm down, her hands were shaking like leaves on the wind, sweating under Jimin's and making her feel uncomfortable, so the second they started walking she shook her hand out of his grip and he didn't question anything, just let her walk behind him on her own if that was what she wanted.

But she wasn't walking after him. Before she could react she was pulled in someone's embrace, their back facing where Jimin and Taehyung went hiding her from their eyes. While she, startled from the action, was barely holding back from letting her panic attack develop.

"Let me go!!" Her face hidden in his chest made her screams come out muffled, her voice sounded afraid, which she was.

Soji's heart went wild. Her mind was so focused on the person that called her that one time and never again, that she was beyond paranoid. The only possibility she could think of was that person and the reason why he would be now standing in front of her.

She was panicking, desperately trying to escape the trap of arms she was held in, obviously with no use. Repeating "Let me go!" as she tried to use any method her mind would come up with in the wrap of the situation. 

The way she was held, so tight, yet delicate, as if she'd break, it was confusing. The hunter she was trying to escape couldn't possibly be this gentle with her despite trying to hold her steady while she was unstoppably moving and hitting him.

Then she realised something. The familiar scent, the familiar posture. It was someone that knew her too well. The way he was standing over her was blocking any entrance she could think of to hit and set free. There was only one person that knew all of her weaknesses.

His and hers strenght were never a match either. So she gave up, hitting his chest one more time with her hands tightly squeezed in sweaty fists. She gave up holding her composure as well. She tried until the very last second, until the tears welling up in her eyes didn't start pouring out on their own. At this point she was better of hidden like that, hiding so no one would see her uncontrollably crying in the middle of such an important event. Being so weak and vulnerable, shaking under the pressure her own mind created.

"I said let go of me, Mark. . ." She mumbled as she stood buried in his chest where he couldn't see her face, nor she could see his. She let herself release the tears she'd been holding in with the pressure and stress at least while no one could see her. While she was finally in the arms she felt the safest.

"I told you to not hide from me... I told you I'd always be there to protect you, stupid..."

Mark wasn't in any better condition. He was seconds before bursting in tears while he breathed in the scent of her hair. His arms wrapped around her so tight. Though he made sure it was Soji he was staring at, he was afraid that when he pulls away he'd see he's been hugging someone else.

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