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. . . A princess doesn't cry over monsters in the nigh. . .

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CHAPTER 52-----

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The centre of Seoul was overwhelmed with crowds. The sound of hospital sirens created an even bigger halt on the roads. It always resulted to loud long honking after the hospital vehicle had passed.

Rush hour. People were desperate to go home and sink in the cushions of their safe place after a long hot summer day.

The side shopping streets were flooded with people buying lunch, dinner, ingredients, anything and everything. All of them rushing in every direction to finish their grocery or just shopping as soon as they could and call it a day.

There, in the middle of the chaos, pushing their way through and skillfully robbing the streets were a group of thirteen year olds. Well, around thirteen years old. Most of them were scattered around like ants infiltrating the streets and shops, everyone on their separate ways except for two of them. Two girls that always worked together and their work- it was flawless. But that was just a part of why they were their boss' favourite.

The two grabbed everything their little hands could reach. With people's attention taken away by either looking around, talking to each other or on their phones, the girls had access to literally every person's wallet. That's what they did- filled their backpacks with expensive accessories and wallets full of money.

The sage eyed one passed between a young couple. The man talking on the phone, for a second looked the opposite way. The woman on the other hand, was busy staring at the shops' displays. The moment they turned back to each other, intertwining their fingers, the man's watch and the woman's pandora bracelet were both gone for good. The little girl chuckled putting them in her half filled backpack.

Her little partner in crime walked up to her, nagging the other's shoulder. "Soji, look over there!" The sage eyed transferred her full attention to where the other was pointing. A young woman, obviously absent-minded, constantly smiling to herself as she walked in her own happy world. What was easier than robbing someone who's constantly spacing out.

Soji nodded, her short black hair bouncing lightly as she moved her head up and down. "Teacher trick?" She questioned smirking.

"Always works." Her brunette friend shrugged before they high fived and speed walked preying on the obviously rich blonde haired woman with expensive looking accessories hanging all over her.

Both of them ran straight into her, Soji hugging her waist tightly while their childish voices screamed happily a not too loud "Miss Kim!!" to the dumbfounded woman.

Soji's brunette friend hugged the woman and Soji both, while the woman had her arms below her body around Soji only, staring down at the two girls in vivid confusion. The black haired girl looked up, her smiling sage eyes happily staring at the woman as she announced to her. "I wrote the math homework alone Miss Kim."

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