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. . . I know I'm quiet, I go back there every time you leave me crying. . .

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CHAPTER 69—————

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• 1 month ago •

The main door was slammed closed with such a loud bang that I thought it broke down. Both me and the barbie-looking girl jumped in surprise. Even the thunder that stroke the next moment, enlightening the room brightly for a brief second, wasn't as terrifying.

Minhyuk stormed inside the house, water dripping down his brown hair and face, more droplets of the cold liquid sliding down to the floor from a soaked black leather jacket he wore. Juyeon and Eunwoo walked in right after him in the same condition. The storm outside wouldn't let them reach the door dry even though the garage was less than thirty meters away.

"It's okay, boss. We'll take care of it, don't worry." Juyeon tried to soften Minhyuk's obvious anger, but it didn't seem to work.

Minhyuk speed-walked to the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and filled up half a glass with hands trembling in rage. I gulped, standing up from the couch. If I stayed, I'd end up being the target for his anger release. If I asked what the problem was I would most probably be sticking my nose in their business which other days wasn't a problem, but now it'd be. If I left, I'd be uninterested or running away or scared of him- which I was anyways.

My heart started hitting harder against my ribcage as I wondered what would be the best move I could make. I was aware of his moodswings and way of thinking when he'd be as angry as he was now- which was a lot. I was aware that literally anything could trigger him and anyone's wrong word would be transferred to me.

I shared a look with the barbie. She had stood up as fast as me, standing frozen next to me in as much of a dilemma as I was. Except she had probably had a lot more time to master the cold unbothered expression she hid herself behind. "What happened?" She questioned something I was too scared to utter.

"The bastard ran away with our money." Eunwoo answered, typing some number in his phone and speeding down the hallway as soon as he put the phone against his ear. Now I knew what had happened. A partner Minhyuk was working with and stealing with had stolen his share.

"I'll gather everyone, just give the orders, boss." Juyeon leaned on the bar next to him, running a hand through his own soaked hair.

"Do whatever the fuck you want, Juyeon, just let me think!" Minhyuk growled, making me jump in my place again as I approached him, avoiding Juyeon's worried dark eyes, following me around. He was aware that I was literally walking on needles, seeing Minhyuk's mad condition.

I put my hand above the glass Minhyuk was grasping, stopping him from taking a sip. I knew I'd anger him, but I also knew if I didn't do that, I'd regret it later more. I knew it'd be my fault whatever I did or said, but doing nothing wasn't in my nature when I knew at least one of the million choices I could make would do me good. I just didn't know which one would that be. Notwithstanding, dealing with a sober him was easier than dealing with a drunk him.

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