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. . . All my nerves are on edge,
I want to know you. . .

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CHAPTER 03 —————

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I waited...

On a car park in front of the nearest grocery store. My fingers tapping on the lowered window in rhythm with the music playing from the radio in the bass-boosted car. My eyes were focused outside the window counting the cars that would enter and leave the car park in the back of my head.

The passenger door of the Aventador slid opened causing me too turn my head the other side. The brown haired guy settled down in the car and my lips curved in a one sided half smile as I watched him. Two light blue eyes then focused on mine as he turned his head to face me. A small smirk wavering on his face as he spoke. "You better drive this baby full speed or I ain't to you anything anymore, love!"

My smirk widened, but before I start the fast ride I reached for my phone. "Give me a second hon." I turned my phone on, realizing that it was past midnight already and we had school the next day. Going to bed so late wasn't the best idea, but I didn't really care.

Another surprise striked me when I read the numbers of 66 missed calls and 32 unread messages in my inbox. I sensed a long night in front of me.

"You're popular." Jaemin chuckled peeping at the screen.

I narrowed my eyes at him leaving the phone aside. "This isn't called popularity, love. This is the number of tortures I will get once I go home."

"Overprotective parents?"

I pursed my lips. Orphan, but "You could say that..."

I pressed on the gas pedal hard, driving the car full speed through the streets. I wanted to enjoy this one, I was sure it was a one shot because I never had the guts to drive so fast. This was a first and probably the last.

And it didn't end well either...

Driving wildly in the night through the streets of Seoul is dope until you start getting chased by the police. That's when shit gets real and you start to panic– I started to panic. Though the guy next to me seemed completely chilled out even when he turned his head and noticed the cops.

The deafening siren was echoing through the neighbourhood and the changing red and blue light was making it hard for me to see at the rear-view or side-view mirrors as the police car was getting closer and closer to me.

"Fuck! I knew it!" I cursed and stepped on the gas pedal speeding up the car, I didn't even notice that I had someone in the car next to me. All I wanted was to get away from the cops. Frustration rose through my body and my heart raced in my chest pumping adrenaline through my arteries. I felt my blood boiling whilst my brain was occupied with nothing but searching for a way out.

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