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. . . The clearer the end is the better. . .

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CHAPTER 24 —————

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I walked down the stone path through the wide yard.

My hands in the pockets of the long black coat and head staring everywhere around me. The leaves on the trees were already getting a shade of gold. Autumn had already coloured them beautifully and it was time for them to start falling.

There were barely any people around me. It wasn’t a surprise since unlike usually I went to school too early that day. I needed time alone to think things out. Firstly, I've been avoiding Mark, I’ve been avoiding almost everyone in the house. Him having a girlfriend was an information I stubbornly refused to absorb, process and believe. Seeing him around only reminded me of the truth I hated too damn much for my own good.

Secondly, the letters I had been getting were getting weirder each day and I was getting creeped out for some reason.

They started reminding me of someone I wished to never think of again. Besides I was getting them more often than before. I started receiving one every single day I arrived at school, so despite the excuse of clearing my head, I started going to school earlier just to try and catch the one that was leaving the letters in my locker. But I never did. It seemed like whoever was leaving them there was doing it either after I left school or in the middle of the night if that was even possible.

“Jealousy makes us all do things, doesn’t it my love? For example, I can’t help imagining you with those clothes off of you...

- your secret admirer...” read the one I received yesterday and I already lost the vibe of the cute guy that sent me the first few letters. Instead, I was disgusted.

Now entering the empty hallway with only my own footsteps echoing I reached for my locker, knowing that there’s another one laying wrapped with a red ribbon inside. And there was. I gulped and unwrapped it, unsure if there’d be anything dirtier than the previous one or anything to make me overthink Jaemin’s mysteriousness again.

“A boy and a girl, both from two different worlds, both with thousands of secrets...

Kang Jaemin or Na Jaemin? Do you even know who he is, my dear Soji?

- your secret admirer...”

I was right, another spoiler about Jaemin’s identity I wasn’t sure if I should believe in. Kang Jaemin or Na Jaemin? Did I really know who he was? As much as I tried to push away the thoughts I couldn’t just fold the letter and throw it away. I had to admit to myself I was taken aback. Even his surname came out to be fake, what was next? Jaemin’s life was still a mystery to me.

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