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. . . I'll keep looking even if I'm in the sky across. . .

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CHAPTER 44—————

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He just stood there, urging to chase after her, but with feet glued to the floor.

Soji was already long gone, rushing through the crowd where Mark's blue crystallized eyes couldn't follow. And when he finally came to his senses and started to speed-walk, it was too late.

His slim body pushed through the people, creating his own pathways and shortcuts, accidentally pushing waiters with trays scattering all around the creamy white tails with thin golden irregular lines below their feet. The sound of shattered glass, pouring drinks, hisses and screams of unpleasant surprise, red wine creating – what looked like pools of blood – all pushed to the back of his mind, therefore he didn't stop. He dashed forward hoping to catch up to her on time, so when he reached the exit he just cursed, trying his hardest not to kick the big dark wooden flower pot of camellias. He was late and she was nowhere to be seen.

"You let her go..." Deep, low voice reached his ears to bring him back from the maze of frustration he was stuck in. Mark stopped. The knuckles of his hands that he was biting to hold both his tears and outbursts of rage, anger, self blame, slowly lowered down. Arms relaxed on both sides of his body, but eyes glaring at the brunette.

The other leaning on the side of the wall intensely staring at him with piercing tense lowered eyes. "Why didn't you stop her?!" He raised his voice, not too loud, but angry enough. Jaemin shot daggers through his orbs, hiding pain and disappointment behind their darkened blue colour. He took a few steps closer, his pale fingers wrapping around Mark's collar immediately. His knuckles turned bright yellow from the pressure, yet the other didn't budge. "You talked to her! Why did you let her leave again?!!"

The raven haired smirked. He knew Jaemin had seen her, in his arms, the way they kissed. He could read the hurt and betrayal  behind his outrageous stare. For some stupid egotistic reason he finally felt like the winner in their duel. "What would you have done, Mr. Na?" His smirk fell off of his face, returning the dead glare he received instead. "When you'd see her tear-stained face, crying and begging you to let her go like her life depends on it?!"

Jaemin stayed silent, gulping down his words and slowly releasing his grip on Mark's shirt. Mark was right, he couldn't be selfish with her. Neither of them could. Whatever the reason, if she wanted to leave so badly, there must've been a huge explanation for it. But running away was not the right way to deal with whatever she was going through.

"Did she at least say why? Something? Anything?" Jaemin asked calmly, refusing to let the kiss he saw get to him and mess with his way of rational thinking.

Mark shook his head. "None of use." He paused and sighed in frustration. Both of them turning away from each other in thoughts, plotting their own ways with eyes busy staring opposite ways. Brunette with hand over his mouth and the other resting on his waist, his eyes scanning the crowd inside as if any of them would help him decide what to do. The other one, running his fingers through his messy coal coloured hair staring outside of the huge door, down the red carpet and the small fragments of the street his vision could reach.

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