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. . . All of the things you said are like a mask, it hides the truth and rips me apart. . .

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CHAPTER 45—————

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My brain was awakened by an electrifying pain throughout my whole body, making me groan loudly. Especially my neck hurt like it's been snapped off of my shoulders. I slowly turned on the other side in the king sized bed I was lying on, my hand searching for my phone around the soft covers with my eyes still tightly closed, but with no chance of finding it. It felt like my head was being smashed by a sledgehammer, pulsating painfully making it hard for me to open my eyes and see clearly.

At this point I was used to the headaches. It happened often because of the lack of sleep the past one month. Stubbornly my hand kept touching the nightstand next to the bed in search for my phone with no luck whatsoever. "Where the-" My eyes snapped open with the realisation that hit me the second I felt the wooden material underneath my fingertips. It was smooth unlike the nightstand in the room I had in the BTS mansion. I didn't need any more time to recognize it or the mattress I was laying on.

"Gosh..." I sat up on the bed quickly, ignoring the sparks of pain spreading throughout my whole body. Soft light of the weak winter sun fell on the grey floorboards in front of the glass door of the balcony. The bright white curtains halfway closed allowing me to see the change of the weather from the cold rainy day yesterday. The trees from the evergreen forest standing tall in front of my balcony, gently swaying on the wind.

Could the universe spare me from any more stress?

"The others!" I jumped off the bed in full panic mode. The room I used to feel so comfortable in, now suffocating me. The fact that my phone was gone didn't even matter anymore. I couldn't even feel the headache either. I sprinted to the door harshly pulling it open and running down the corridor, not ready to see red splashed on the walls, dead bodies laying around, pulls of blood gathered everywhere I'd try to step. And all of that on my hands.

"Guys?!" I yelled, my own voice echoing through the deadly silent mansion. My heartbeat increasing as well as my panicked breathing, as I ran down the stairs, skipping a few as if the possibility to fall didn't exist. "Jina-"

My shaking voice got caught up in my throat and I stopped moving. My chest finally felt light and free to accept the air I was inhaling. My eyes teared up, as if they didn't release enough tears last night. "You are all safe..." I whispered, the air I was holding in finally escaped my clenched lungs, while I was trying my best not to break down. My hand resting on my chest as I tried to stabilize my breathing.

There they were, in a bigger number than I left them. Sitting in the living room with their eyes fixated on me like I was a street show.

"You're finally back, car stealer." Yuta mumbled sarcastically, his crystal clear turquoise blue eyes rolling around his eyeballs playfully, before a small half smile lifted his lips.

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