Chapter 2

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* Jungkook Pov *

I will not make you happy. because you're the one why Halla died.
Yuju was a good girl before. She is a good friend of halla,my girlfriend. Me and halla haven't been together long because Yuju is the girl who is my wife.

I will not let her be happy even once.
I punched, kicked, hit her with my Belt. I want her to suffer. I continued what I was doing until she fainted.

"Jeon Jungkook !! what are you doing !!"
Eunha and Umji came closer to Yuju who fainted. My cruel face does not frighten them. They tried to wake Yuju.

"Why did you come here !! Why did people come here ha !!" I asked shouted

"We people came here because we want to meet Yuju. What are you doing to her Jungkook. You're a useless husband you know !!!"
I laughed hearing Eunha's words earlier.

I sat back and looked at Eunha and Umji. Their faces looked angry even as their tears wet their cheeks.

"You don't remember what she did to the person I loved before !!! Because she's the one Halla died, you know !!"I said

"It's over, Jungkook, she's guilty as well. Halla died because of an accident with her Jungkook. You shouldn't do this to her like this." Eunha replied.

"Ha'a Jungkook, you know she's the one who helped to save you when you almost suffocated first." Umji added.

I was silent for a moment. My mouth is washed. Yes, I almost drowned because I wanted to go with halla. that time halla is gone. I'm back to the real world.

"ah !! If she's the one involved in the accident why didn't she die. why must Halla die !!."Jungkook angerily shout.

"Halla is dead, we can't do anything, you have to accept it, Jungkook."
I didn't know what Eunha said.

I took the car keys and I walked out of the house. I still can't accept that Halla is dead.


* Yuju Pov *

My head hurts, dizzy. My cheeks hurt too. I'm trying to open my eyes. My eyes feel heavy to open. but I'm trying to fight back. I can finally open my eyes.

"Are you okay Yuju?"
I looked next to me. I was surprised to see that Eunha and Umji were in my bedroom.

"I'm okay, what are you guys doing here? You'd go back later, my husband will see I'm dead." U said weakly

"Come on, he won't be able to hit you anymore. Why don't you tell us people about you, Yuju. Why~" Umji asks

I bowed down my head as I began to play with my nails.

"I..I don't want him to know that I did this because of Halla. Although first I had to be forced to marry him because of my family and Appa. Yes, I used to. I didn't like being near him. But then I read a letter from Halla to Me. I can't do anything anymore. " I cried

"You have to leave this house. Don't follow Halla's trust so much." Eunha said

"Ha'a, unnie, I see this house as hell. We people can't afford to see you become a victim of abuse anymore." Eunha said with crack voices.

I looked up a little. I shook my head at Eunha and Umji.

"No, this is a trust. I have to go too."i said.

Eunha and Umji sigh, the saddness on their faces I couldn't say anymore. Halla asked me to take good care of Jungkook. It's a shame he's like Halla, Jungkook loves her. I tried to run away from home many times including today but failed. After this I just have to sit near this hell-like house..

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