Chapter 9

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No one pov

Yuju sat on sofa daydreaming. She didn't know that Jungkook was also there. Jungkook sat still and soon Yuju was lying facing his body.

Jungkook went to the bathroom to change his clothes. soon he returns to the living room to bring Yuju to Yuju's own room.

Jungkook lays Yuju on the bed in Yuju's room.

Jungkook sat on the edge of Yuju's bed. he straightened Yuju's frizzy hair.

Saw Yuju's eyes tears running down her fluffy cheeks. the longer the more yuju tears flow. Jungkook wiped away his wife's tears with pity.

"mianhae, Yuju-ah~ I have no intention of being cruel husband to you, I just can't accept the fate that she'd gone. I know it's not your fault that she's gone. But I still can't accept you in my life. but you try to win my heart again Yuju."

jungkook presents a kiss on his wife's forehead. Yes, he has no intention of hurting Yuju.

Jungkook just can't accept that Halla has disappeared by his side forever just because Yuju is with halla alone. Jungkook keeps blaming Yuju.

Jungkook came out of Yuju's room.
Yuju realizes what Jugkook said to him earlier. Yuju shed tears again. that night sadness filled her whole being. Yuju got up and sat hugging himself.

"Halla~ you give me an idea for me to win his heart, the way you used to win his heart... but.. I can't stand it now. I can't stand to sit in this house anymore please get me out of here please "
Yuju cried her heart out that night.

[2 months later]

2 months have passed, Yuju's life has changed quite a bit and he is getting more and more seeing that Jungkook is changing and learning to accept it in Jungkook's Life.

"You, can I say something?"

"Hmm, what is it? "

"You, I see from the outside you look fierce but inside you're good. That's who you are?"

Jungkook who had been playing his phone kept his phone and looked at Yuju who was next to him.

"What are you talking about, you've been friends with me for a long time, you don't know my temperament. Oh .. forget me. You didn't notice that ,what you noticed first is that halla should be .."

Yuju beside him continued to sulk. Jungkook can see Yuju's facial pussy given to him.

Jungkook was amused to see him. but he doesn't show it.

'She's cute, too. hahaha '
Jungkook said in his heart.

"You don't have to make a face like that, I feel like slapping your face, You better stop sulking."
Jungkook warns yuju.

Yuju didn't even pout at her face in front of Jungkook. Yuju went to her room. Jungkook just watched Yuju disappear from his sight alone.

"Hmm ~ what-ii are you Yuju."

Knock! Knock!

a knock on the door awakens Yuju to open it. Yuju opened the door and Yuju's eyes widened to see Sunyoul in front of her house.

"Sun..Sunyoul what are you doing here? Jungkook will see. Well you go back sunyoul." Yuju said worried.

"I miss you Yuju, that's why I came here"

 Yuju tried to close the door of the house. but unfortunately Sunyoul pushed the door of the house so hard that Yuju was pushed to the floor.

Sunyoul stepped into the house and Sunyoul started to close the door of the house and lock the door of the house.

Sunyoul flashed a devil smile. he approached Yuju who was trying to escape herself .

"Where are you going dear Yuju ~"

Yuju tried to run away but Sunyoul hugged her so tightly that Yuju couldn't let go of Sunyoul's hug.

Sunyoul kissed Yuju's neck. Sunyoul's hand was already touching Yuju's body.

Yuju's  kept trying to escape. once again Yuju is captured by Sunyoul. this time Sunyoul carried Yuju to go to Yuju's room.

"Sunyoul, let go !! please Sunyoul-ahhhh !! Jungkook Help me !!!"

Yuju struggled to ask Sunyoul to let her go, but Sunyoul just gave a devil smile.

SunYoul threw Yuju's body on the bed. Yuju was scared. she began to cry. Sunyoul approached her.  Step by step Sunyoul approached her every step of Sunyoul.

Sunyoul took off his clothes. Yuju became more and more aware that she was already hugging herself in the corner of the room.

"please Sunyoul, don't!!."

"I want you yuju."

and Sunyoul was in front of him now Sunyoul laid Yuju down. then Sunyoul pressed his body against Yuju's body.

Yuju try to escape again. but dhe can't help it anymore. Sunyoul tore her clothes one by one. so that her chest was exposed.

" Andwaeee!!"

Yuju woke up from a nightmare. Yuju was scared so she left the room and went up to Jungkook's room. She hopes that Jungkook didn't lock the door of his room and it's true that Jugkook didn't lock the door.

Yuju enters Jungkook's room and she sees the whole body sleeping. Yuju slowly closed the room door and continued walking towards Jungkook's bed.

She lays herself next to Jungkook.

"Mian Jungkook, I'm scared now, can I sleep with you?"

Yuju remembered what the elders said. If the person is silent, the sign is that the person agrees.

Yuju was sleeping next to Jungkook. She hugged jungkook's body for safety. Then she fell asleep.

Soon Jungkook woke up from his sleep as he felt something hug him. He opened his eyes wide. and saw Yuju hugging him. Jungkook was shocked.

"When did she come in? I must not lock the door of this room. Ouch"

Jungkook rubbed his head then he looked at Yuju's scared face.

"Jebal, don't ... don't!"

Jungkook could feel that Yuju was having a nightmare until she said something like that.

Yuju's hug got tighter. Jungkook rubbed Yuju's back. and returned the hug. Yuju's scared face had calmed down.

"Shuu~, what dream made you cry with this much, it's okay I'm here.."

Jungkook tightened his hug and he also fell asleep. they sleep in cuddles. each of them is in their own dreams

To be continued...

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