Chapter 3

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[ In the market ]

Jungkook and 2 other members went to the market because they wanted to collect money from their subordinates ..
All the sellers in the market were terrified. Since losing Halla ,Jungkook have changed.

"EH My parents  ask to collect money ... where is the money!"
Jungkook said to the fruit shop.

The frightened old uncle went to get his money. While waiting for the person's money Jungkook and 2 other members, namely Ravi and Scoup, managed to take the fruit from the uncle's shop for them to fill their stomachs.

"Er..nie..he's money .. which..uncle..uncle has .."
The uncle said to Jungkook with a stutter and he handed the money to Jungkook.

Jungkook took the money from the uncle's hand rudely. The uncle was shocked by how rudely jungkook snatched the money from him.

Jungkook counted the money. He felt the money was less than it should be. He thought back. After he counts the money. Jungkook looked at Uncle.



"Why is there less money?"

The uncle was already shaking his legs..the uncle's wife who was hiding behind the door was also scared.

People selling in the market are starting to get scared and some want to see what happens after that.

"Uncle ~ I asked you kindly uncle ... why is there less money." Jungkook asked again.

" ... we need money, ... for the treatment of our sick uncle save  150 ringgit * Malaysia RM* from that money " Uncle said stuttering scared of Jungkook.

Jungkook has started to get angry at this uncle, he smashed the table which was in the uncle's shop until the uncle was shocked and even the people around there were shocked.

"I want the money back !!" Jungkook shouted angerily.

" son is sick ... please help for my son.."

Jungkook bowed looking at the table he held back his rage. Ravi and Scoup  helped him.

Ravi came closer to the uncle and he grabbed the collar of the uncle's shirt with his angry face making the uncle
Song scared of him.

"You're an old man, return the money .. what are you waiting for ,give me !!"
Ravi punched the uncle. Scoup also punched him.

Jungkook didn't instruct the two of them to stop until then.

With a cough, the boy screamed and cried for his appa who was beaten by Ravi and Scoup, their actions stopped. They both looked at the boy. 

Jungkook also looked at the boy whose face was pale with his crying and also his cough.

"I'm going Tae Ji.. gwenchana..ap..appa tak apa-ii"


The boy ran towards his Appa who was lying .. the boy turned Ravi and Scoup away from his Appa.

"Taeji- ah please appa....maybe"
"what appa..."

The boy wiped the blood from his father's mouth.

"Please take the money from Appa's room and talk to Omma that we will find more for your medicine .."
The boy nodded and he ran into the house to take the money that his appa  said.

Less than a few minutes later the boy came out with the money in his hand and he gave it to Jungkook with tears flowing.

"Ajushi ... he.."

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