Chapter 18

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Unknown Pov]

"My Mr. Jeon .."

Jungkook looked down and Jungkook knew what answer would come out of Yuju's mouth.

"You can't accept me, right? I know Yuju. I won't bother you anymore Yuju. Tomorrow I have to go back to Seoul. Thank you for being willing to treat me as long as I'm here even though you still can't accept me again. "

Yuju didn't know what else to say. Jungkook walks away leaving Yuju. Yuju chased after Jungkook and he held Jungkook's hand.

''I apologize to Mr. Jeon. As a sign of my apology to Mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon told me what Mr. Jeon wants me to do."
Yuju said.

Jungkook was silent for a moment. Soon Jungkook turned to look at Yuju.

" Sure ? "
Yuju nodded.

Jungkook corrected his position. His body was facing Yuju now.

"Keep me in your heart okay? A day is enough, if you can't get a day. An hour is not enough. Not even a minute is enough"

Yuju was stiff with what Jungkook said.

"ermm. Mr. Jeon please give me time"

Jungkook just gave a smile. But in a melancholy heart.

"Tkpe lah. Let's go back ,tomorrow morning, I have to go to the airport"

Jungkook pulled Yuju's hand away. Yuju just followed. Yuju's heart just wanted to explode.

' Why do I feel like this huh? '
Yuju said in his heart.


As soon as Yuju got home. Jungkook please open the door for Yuju. Yuju came out.

"er, thank you for being willing to follow me Yuju. I hope we can meet again."

Jungkook said. Yuju smiled. Yuju wanted to say something.

"er, Mr. Jeon. I ..."


Yuju was surprised by Jungkook's action who kissed her lips. Jungkook's lips felt soft. Not long after that Yuju pushed Jungkook.

"What is this Mr. Jeon. Do you remember what my lips are!"

Yuju is angry at Jungkook. Jungkook also kind of just woke up from his dream.

"Yuju .. Sa .. I .. I'm sorry"

Jungkook said when he saw Yuju had entered her house. Jungkook feels all wrong with Yuju. Jungkook scratched his head that didn't itch.

"What are you doing Jungkook. You are stupid."

Jungkook said while banging his head. Jungkook looked at the mansion with guilt at Yuju so he got into the car. He accelerated.

[ In the car]

"You're stupid Jungkook. Why did you do that .. I'm ashamed of you. You're stupid Jungkook."

Jungkook's said while slapping his cheek. Banging his head.

"How do you want to deal with her, Jungkook?"

. Jungkook doesn't know how he wants to meet Yuju while Yuju is no longer ready want to be with him. Jungkook's cheerful face turned gloomy.

"Move on Jungkook. It's time for her to leave you Jungkook."

[At Yuju's house]

Yuju ran into the room. She tossed her backpack on the bed. She held her lips. She recalled the times her lips and Jungkook met.

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