Chapter one and two: The Beginning, and Dinner

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Chapter One somehow deleted, so I am going to re-write it on here! That is what Adira looks like in the picture above! The actor is Jaimie Lauren Alexander. 

I sigh as I open the door to my messy apartment. At 21 you would think I would know how to keep my space clean. If you did, you thought wrong. I slide the pile of take out boxes off of the counter as I set down my supper: Chinese food. I sit down in one of my chairs and begin to eat. Before I know it, I'm laying on the couch. I reach over onto my coffee table, and grab my earbuds  and plug them into my phone. Placing my phone in my sweatshirt pocket after turning on some music, I feel myself drift off. Before I know it, I'm falling. Or, at least I think I am. You know those dreams where you feel like you're falling forever? Yeah. That's what this feels like. My body hits the ground with a thud.

I groan as I roll onto my side, reaching for my phone. Where the hell am I? All around me are trees. I quickly sit up, looking around. I'm sitting at the edge of a river. What did I have to eat last night? I stand up, putting a hand to my forehead, as a massive headache hits me. Great. Just great. As I open my phone to look at my gps app, I hear steps behind me. I turn around, and there before me is a giant horse. "Woah!" I exclaim, as I jump back. A woman jumps off the side of the horse. And before I know it, a knife is at the tip of my throat. "Who are you?" The woman asks. I gasp, as she pushes the knife against my skin. "Hey,hey, hey stop!" I say, "My name's Adira, and I just woke up here! I swear!" I flinch as she takes a step closer to me, staring at me. I take a second to look at the woman in front of me. Tall, black hair, icy blue eyes. And her ears? Instead of a rounded edge, the tips are points. "What are you?" The woman blinks, clearly confused. "Come on." She says, sheathing her knife. "We need to leave. Now." She says, and quickly swings back onto her horse. "Uh... what?" I say. Who is she? Before I can open my mouth to ask another question, she reaches down, and pulls me up onto the horse. "Ack!" I cry out, as I grab onto her for support. And just like that. The horse starts to move. 

We enter a city. The most beautiful city I have ever seen. "Welcome to Rivendell." The black haired woman in front of me says. But I don't have time to stare, as she pushing the horse forward. As we enter the city, two men dressed strangely (just like the woman in front of me is) rush out to us. The woman quickly jumps off the horse, and says something to the men that I don't understand. That's when I notice, there's a child laying on the front of the horse. My eyes widen as the men quickly grab the kid, and pull him off the horse, running him into the city. "Come." The woman says, giving me a hand to get off the horse. "My father would love to meet you." 

As we walk in silence through the city, I can't help but be amazed. Everything is white wood, beautifully designed. This place is literally perfect. "In here." The woman says, and motions for me to enter a room. Slowly I step in. The room looks like a study, and a man with long, black hair sits at a large table in the middle of the room. "Arwen." He says happily, before looking at me, "Who is this?" He asks, standing up. "Adira." Arwen says stepping in front of me. "She was standing at the edge of the river. Over the barrier." The mans eyes widen. "Over?" He wonders, looking at me. "Where do you live?" "Uh, New York?" I reply. No hint of recognition on his face. "America?" I try again. He shakes his head. "We'll Adira, it seems like you are not from Middle Earth." I could have told him that! "However, since you don't seem like a threat, I will allow you to stay here in Rivendell, until we can figure out what to do with you." Not a threat? I look down at myself. Hoodie and sweatpants. No shoes. And my hair is practically falling out of its braid. "Thanks." I manage to say. "Arwen." The man says, "Watch her. And give her a room." She nods. "Follow me." She says with a smile, and leads me out of the room. What have I gotten myself into? 

 Chapter Two:

Arwen showed me my room. My gosh, it is beautiful. The bed is ten times the size of my bed at home, and everything is made out of stone and wood. I run and flop on the bed. "This is heavennnnnnnnnn.." I sigh as I flop onto the bed, and fall into the pillows. Arwen laughs. "Here, I brought you some clothes." Arwen holds up a dress. The green color matches perfectly with my  brown eyes. The dress goes over my  feet, and has long sleeves. Arwen also holds a crown of gold leaves in her left hand. "Why are you giving me a crown? Isn't that like a royalty thing" I ask her.  She just laughs. "You don't have to be royalty to wear a crown. Most people of royal blood, don't even want you to know that they are going to be or are kings or queens." "Huh. Ok then." I reply. Arwen helps me get changed, and does my hair. The hairstyle she does, is a cute/messy bun, leaving my bangs in the front. We both decide to ditch the crown, so Arwen gives me a pretty purple and gold necklace instead. And for shoes, a simple pair of brown boots. "How do I look?" I ask Arwen. "You look beautiful." She says smiling. "Now come on, dinner is ready." She leads me through Rivendell until we are outside at a table. Not the same table, this one was longer and there were multiple people seated at it. "Arwen!" A voice said. I looked to my left to see Arwen being kissed by a dark haired man. Gross. I think. I've never had a boyfriend, or been kissed before. Sure, I've had crushes on some guys I've met, but they have never returned my feelings. I gave up trying to find someone after awhile, which earned me rude remarks from some classmates and family members. I sat down at the table next to Arwen. "And who might you be?" A red haired dwarf asked me. "Oh I'm Adira." I say. "Gimli!" He says, and sticks his hand across the table. I shake his hand before grabbing what looked like grape juice and drinking it. I look around the table. There are four short men, Gimli, Arwen and the man she had kissed. I begin to eat the food in front of me, which consisted of mostly greens. I hate salad, but I wasn't going to be picky, I haven't eaten all day. 

A few minutes later you were laughing your head off while Merry and Pipin began dancing on the table. Drunk obviously. "Borimir!" Aragorn called out. I look to see a tall man, he sits at the table in the open seat next to me. "And who might you be?" He asks me. I already don't like this guy. He's giving off way too many bad vibes. "I'm Adira." I reply and try to talk to Arwen. But the she-elf is in a conversation with Aragorn already. Great. Just great, I think to myself. I reach across the table to grab my drink. "Here, let me get that for you." Borimir says, and hands me my drink. I don't respond, just take it and drink it. After many failed attempts trying to talk to me, Borimir finally gives up and talks to Gimli instead. Sitting here is so boring , I think to myself. "I think I'll go back to my room." I say to Arwen. "Let me accompany you!" Borimir says, and starts to stand. "No thanks." I say and take a step back. "Oh Legolas!" Aragorn says, and gets up. Just arriving is a man? No elf. Oh my god. I think to myself. He is the most handsome man, er, I mean elf, that I have ever seen. That blonde hair, and ooooo those eyes. I can't stop myself from staring while Aragorn gives him a hug. "Legolas, meet Merry, Pipin, Sam, Frodo. Oh and Adira." He looks my way after glancing at the hobbits. My brown eyes meet his blue eyes. I quickly look down and lean over to Arwen. "I'll be going now." I say. Arwen stands up and gives me a look. "What?" I say. She grabs my arm and pulls me to towards the end of the table. "Why do you want to leave so soon? Everyone's here." She says. "Exactly, that's why I'm going." I say with a small laugh. I am extremely introverted, and with that elf here, I don't think I could even speak. "Is it because of Borimir?" Arwen asks, but at shake my head no.  Her eyes travel the table, until they land in the elf, "Oh!" She gasps, and covers her mouth. "Arwen!" I gasp. "You fancy..!" I put my hand over her mouth. "Don't say anything!" I scream whisper. She laughs and moves my hand. "I won't say anything, promise." She says. "Thank you." I say and let out a breath that I didn't realize I had been holding. "You will talk to him though, right?" She said. "I saw the way you looked at him, it's the same way I looked at Aragorn the first time I met him." Arwen says and sighs, as if remembering that moment. "No. No I will not." I say. "But why?" Arwen says. "If you think it's because he's an elf and you're human, trust me it really doesn't matter. Well it might to him, but to many others it doesn't." "No no that's not why." I say and rub my eyes. "I'm gonna go." I said fake yawning. "I'm pretty tired." "Mhmmmm." Arwen rolls her eyes. "Avoiding my question by being 'tired' huh?" She says with a smirk. "I'm not avoiding anything!" I say. "I just don't want to talk about it right now. While we're in the same room." "Okay fine." She finally says. "Goodnight then." I give her a quick hug, and walk back to my room. 

Arwen POV

She clearly likes the elf. I think to myself. Adira and Legolas would be perfect together. I can see Legolas falling for her. I continue to think as I take my seat back next to Aragorn. "Where did Adira go?" Borimir asks. Ugh that guy. I could tell he was annoying Adira, but there wasn't much I could do about it then, but maybe now... "She went back to her room. I  believe she said something about you pestering her with questions? I can't imagine why that would be enough to make anyone leave." I said to him rolling my eyes, and then took a drink of my wine. "She was just  nervous being around me, the poor girl." He says. "I have a feeling she'll warm up to me. And when she does, well, you know." Borimir said with a laugh. "That is ridiculous!" I say. "Adira will never  return any similar feelings. She can do much better than that." I say and eye Borimir. I feel Aragorn take my hand in his and squeeze it, trying to calm me down. "And how would you know?" Borimir says and stands up. "You probably forced her to leave! I'll go find her." Borimir started to walk away, when Aragon stepped in front of him. "You will do no such thing. Now sit back down."  Aragon was mad, and everyone in the room could feel the tension between the two of them. "Who are you to stand in my way ranger," Borimir spat. "Move."  "Aragon," Gandalf said, "why don't you come try this wine. Oh and Borimir, Adira's room is that way." He said pointing the wrong direction. Borimir huffed and began to walk that way, and I couldn't help but begin to laugh as soon as he was out of  earshot. "My word Aragon!" Legolas said sitting down at the table, "What did I just witness?" Aragon gives me a side look for help, but I just shrug. "I'll see you all later." I say, and  leave the table. Leaving an confused Legolas with a very unsure Aragon.

(Author note) So sorry this has taken so long! I know I promised every other day, but I have had a busy week. 😅 Going forward, I'll try to stick to updating every other day. Please done hate me for this, and I hope I'm spelling the names of the characters right! 

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