Chapter 6: The Battle Begins

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We walked farther into the mines after realizing we had no way out. Oh, and that this was pretty much a tomb. Lucky us. I groaned in disgust as I stepped on what looked like a dwarf hand. "Try not to focus on the sound." Legolas said, as the bone crunched under my boot. He was still next to me in the dark, and I found comfort in his voice. "Easier said than done." I replied. As we continued farther into the mine, I began to feel slightly on edge. I mean, what part of this place wouldn't set a person off? The spider webs, skeletons and smell of death are enough to make a person vomit. We walked into a room, and Gimli instantly fell on his knees and cried over a stone table, that he explained was his cousin, who had been killed, but how? Even though I am not great friends with him, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the red headed dwarf. Just then, Pippin accidentally pushed a skeleton down what looked like a well, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. This made a loud bang, and scared us all. 

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf yelled, making us all flinch a little. I looked up at Legolas (who is still next to me) and laughed a little at the look of surprise in his face. After a glare from Gandalf, we all shut up, and listened. "This place will be swarming with orcs." Aragorn said. I tried not to panic, in a battle of orcs vs me, orcs would crush me. I didn't even have a knife on me for goodness sake. I'm screwed. 

Boom. Boom. Boom. We all looked around nervously. The drums. The orcs would reach us in minutes. Oh god. I tried to breathe. I took a step back and put my hand on the tomb and tried to steady myself. "Here Adira." Aragorn said, and handed me a sword. "I hope you know how to use this." I nodded. Did I really? It can't be too hard. They do it in Star Wars. Maybe I can try obi-wan's move or something. This thought made me laugh a little out loud, and earned me a strange look from the hobbits. Just then an arrow came through the door. I shrieked as it soured across the room, over my head, and implanted itself in the wall. Legolas, who had been taking with Aragorn, looked at me with wide eyes. He walked over to me, put  a hand on my arm, and pulled me behind him. "Don't worry." He said. And I couldn't help but blush. It's a bad time to be thinking about him I know, but if I'm going to die, I want to be thinking about him. I looked up at him, his perfect shaped face, his long blonde hair, those eyes, and god his lips. I imagined myself kissing him. Not the time Adira, I thought and squeezes my eyes shut. When I opened them again, the elf was reaching behind him for an arrow, his arm brushed my face, and he stopped moving and spun around, almost surprised that I was there. I didn't know what to do, apologize? I froze, contemplating what I could do. The thundering steps of the orcs, now banging on the door snapped me out of my thoughts, and I quickly regained my composure. "Get back, now!" Aragon yelled, and pushed me back behind all of them. The steps got closer, and my heart started to pound out of my chest. And then.... "FIRE!" 

YES YES, I KNOW. I haven't don't a new chapter in FOREVER, and I apologize. I took a break, because school got stressful, and I couldn't continue to do both writing this, and keeping up with my regular work.  This story, IS NOT going to exactly follow the LOTR storyline, I have (what I think) is a pretty good idea that I've never seen any Legolas Fanfic do before, so I am very excited! 😁 I will hopefully have another chapter up VERY soon...! 

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