Chapter 3 - Help

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His body just laid there,no sign if he was alive or dead. It was almost like he was at rest but the feeling of the drugs destroying his body, hurt him. He didn't know if he ment to overdose, but he just wanted to be at ease with no sort of pain and not feeling numb all the time. Maybe this was it, his time was up.

"Kian?!" Fletch bent down to kians lifeless body, he checked his pulse, barely there, his pupils, dilated. "Can I get some help in hear!? " he shouted whilst then standing up to go get ambi bag and fluids.
Luckily someone actually heard him, Sacha. As he raced over to see whats the problem fletch addressed him of what's happened." Right madani is in the locker room, I'm pretty sure he's taken benzos. His pulse is weak and his eyes are dilated, can you inform Darwin theatre 1 to get theatre ready for an overdose and page max and henerick" Sacha nodded and called ahead."Oh and can you go get a bed, we need to get him moving." As Sacha went to go get the bed, fletch inserted the cannula into his right arm - giving him the fluids and put the ambi bag on him.

They wheeled him to darwin, every minuted the drugs was taking over a bit more of his body making him slowly fade away. They pushed through the double doors and they took him straight into theatre to get him ready quickly as possible. Max, henrick and chloe were in shock. They hadn't realised it was one of their colleagues, "fletch what happened" max questioned, as they stood next to kian whilst all machines were going off.
" I-i don't know I was paging him and he wouldn't pick up so I went looking for him" fletch was now in his panick mode. But I mean who wouldn't, it was fletches best mate who has now tried to kill himself, "no i mean what has he taken" kian was now at the point of arrest, they needed to know what he has taken right now before its too late. " uh its um ... benzos" max nodded henerick already knew what to give him. He administered the drugs and they waited, they waited for someone to happen.
The machine flattened. He arrested.
The whole room was at shock for a few seconds. Chloe stood still. She was like there was a whole army of bees around her. Max was doing cpr and henrick was the one with the defibrillator. Everything was muffled, " charging again, clear, shocking". It was at least into a minute before chloe was back in the room again. "You need to release the pressure in his brain" she said it slightly muffled to which max couldn't hear."What did you say chloe"
" you need to release the pressure in his brain" this time she said it a lot more clearly.
Max looked at henrick who nodded in agreement. It was worth a shot. Max drilled hole him his brain and inserted the drain and put it on peice of cloth. His bp and sats were still low and all of the nurses were trying to stabilise him.

The pressure was going down to the point where it was practically gone. But as they weren't taking any chances, they waited until it was full gone before they closed him up and took him back to the ward.

Kian was on a ventilator to help with his recovery. They didn't know if he was going to wake up. But with the pressure gone and him on a machine to get the drugs out they atleast had a bit of hope.

They all stood around him. Max, Sacha, fletch, chloe and henrick. " what am I going to tell nicky, I mean she literally thinks of him like a dad" chloe said as she sat down on the chair as no one would. " she'll find out tomorrow and we'll support her as well as anyone who needs it" max said through the thoughts that must of been going through kians head there and then.
No one dared to say anything about today so they just nodded. Well apart from fletch. "How did we not notice it" he asked looking down.
"People can hide it but usually not all the time. But kian must of. Its non of our fault, not even his fletch. This is him reacting and trying to deal with his own problem on his own. So when he does wake up no one will have a go and make him feeling even more bad. We'll listen and support him" henrick said. He was always good with what to say and that little speech help them think positive for their friend.
"Um Sacha, have gotten hold of any of his family?" His head shakes and he looks down "nothing, I told marty where I could get hold of anyone but they told they passed away when he was young" max heavily sighs and walks over to kian, she checks his tube and then holds his arm to make him at some sort of comfort for him. Just to say 'you wake up when your ready'.

They only stayed for 20 minuted just to make sure nothing would go wrong. But nothing could now, could it? Is kian just a danger to himself now? And will he ever wake up?

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