Chapter 8 - Normal

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(hey guys in sorry I havent posted in like 2 weeks I have alot on my mind. Hope you enjoy!)

It had been around a month and a half since kian had gone and it was strange. It was strange for everyone. Most people missed kians sense of humour, his massive ego - believe it or not - and his just bubbly mood.
The time was 8:30pm, and Emma was already in bed and her stomach was obvious now that she was pregnant. Jac had gotten the odd visit from fletch and Sacha to help around the house for her but It felt odd. It was odd having someone help her other than kian used to.
It was soon that her thoughts got cut to the door bell ringing. "Sacha I swear to god if this is about..." she opens the door. It wasn't Sacha, nor fletch, "kian" jac smiled letting him in.
"long time no see" kian stated as he Walked over to the kitchen, helping himself to a glass of water. "help your self then" she mutters, " anyways... How are you?"
Kian nods, "uh yeah good, alot better now, thanks" the room fell silent before jac carried on with the conversation, "how many da.."
"54 days and..." he looks at his phone, "7 hours" jac just stood there looking at him with disbelief with him saying the exact hours, kian looks down, "so how's the um pregnancy going?"
She nods, " yeah it's going well not too bad, not as bad as the last one" kian nods back, "..... And the baby?" jac hesitated before saying, "yeah the babys fine,.... He's fine" she said correcting herself. Kian looked up, with a small smile across his face, "its a boy?" Jac just nodded.
"look um I'm sorry about... Well.... You know, back at the hospital, I didn't mean anything I said"
Jac didn't respond as she sat down on the sofa. Kian walked over and leaned against the wall, "jac... You that right? That I didn't mean anything I said?"
"yeah of course I know that"
"good..... Then I um better get going" Kain says as he puts on his shoes and opens the door, " goodnight kian"
"night jac" the door closed behind him leaving jac sitting on the couch with the tv on in the background with her back into dream-land once again. But she knew she had work the next day and needed her rest. The tv got turned off and aswell as the lights with the house silent and everyone asleep.


The drive back was nice, no cars on the roads and the radio blasting on in the background, it was nice to feel normal again. Not getting the urge to become high or take, not feeling Numb either. As he parked up to his drive he saw marty's car there. 'strange' he thought to himself. As he opened the door marty was sat there on his phone, probaly waiting for arrival. "marty.... What are you going here?" marty shook a paper bag that was in his hands, "remember you gave me a set of keys..."kian nodded," well I know when you got back you have to clear up all the notes and pills here so I did it for you" he shook his head, "you know I could of done thaton my own"
"max told me to in case you got thoughts of using again" marty stats as he moves up the sofa as kian sits down. "seriously... Are you taking the piss or what" marty shakes his head, "and plus max told your mum about what happened" kian looks up in shock, "wait what?? Why didn't you stop her" marty stands up and walks around, "because she's your mum kian, no matter how Much she annoys you or wherever she is in the world it doesn't matter...," kian cuts in, "adoptive mum"
"why does it matter, but still max had a right to tell her, she's cares about you kian" kian doesn't say anything. "anyways I need a place to crash for a couple of days soo...?"
"Fine you can have the spare room upstairs on the right" kian couldn't be asked to ask why,arty usually does this every so often as his mates at his flat go out partying and he works the next day so kian doesn't really care anymore. "right im going to head to bed now, see you tomorrow morning" kian nods,
"ok night"

Kian sat there with a beer in one hand and with other, scrolling though social media. The time was 1am in the morning, and he had now had 5 beers and finally decided to get to bed. The struggle was real when he goes to bed one only thing on his mind was his baby boy, he needed to change. Not just for jac and the baby but for himself. It's time to change....

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