Chapter 13 - Strong

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Hey guys, I know it's Been a minutes since I posted, (well more like 2 months) but now I've finally back and have taken a break I'm hopefully able to post a bit more often than once a month. I would also like to thank you all of the support of my story! (I can't believe holby has finished!)

Kian just layed there no movement, no nothing. The drugs were still in his hand, just staring down. Kian didn't know what to do. He needed it so much now it was like an ache but nothing moved. He needed it. It needed him.


His hands were shaking uncontrollably, but the needle sat still in the palm of his hand, Waiting for his next move. He glanced over to jac through the window, who was peering over at him every so often aswell as what looks like catching up on her admin. His grip got tighter around the full tubed needle. Why him? He had a child coming on the way and they just had to put the pressure on him. That it he's done.
His eyes dotted around the windows making sure no one was looking and positioned the needles head to his arm. It hovered. He needed it but he couldn't. The drugs flew across the room, smashing against the wall and scattering into millions of pieces. His body instantly relaxed, kians head sunk into the pillow before retensing it.

His body started to convulse. The now screaming machines has alerted jac and some other nurses which instantly looked over at her who told to go and get max.

"Kian?" she shook his shoulders. Nothing. She moved up to his head and supported it up so his airways dont to collapse. She lowered the bed flat and gently slid the pillow out under his head.
"What's going on?" max demanded as she bends down and picks up the empty syringe, not noticing the liquid on the floor, "right, possible overdose. Can you get 10ml of naloxone and can we page chloe or another ct consultant please."

"no max he can't of, at least do a drug test first" jac kept kians head up whilst his seizure wasn't seeming like it was going stop anytime soon.
"fine but if he has we might not have enough time to work with" max quickly does the blood test and gets one of the nurse to send it down and have it done as an emergency, "can we have 2ml of diazepam to calm down this seizure aswell"

The seizure started to calm down, slowly coming to a stop.
Fletch came running in, "he's clean, he hasn't taken anything. Nothings there"
"let me see" max peered over at the results, "right can we get a full chest and head scan and tell them we need it now. Don't take no as a answer and can you go get the intubator equipment just incase" fletch nodded and left again.
Max walked over and checked his pupils. Fine. Airway. Normal. But his heart rhythm was a bit off but nothing major. "jac listen to his heart and tell me what you think" she fround, why is max asking such a ridiculous question, she's not that dumb is she? Jac listen to his heart anyways. Which she was supprised he even had one. Slow, uneven rhythm of heartbeats. "you thinking arrhythmia?" jac nods.
"but we need a scan to make sure."
Max nods and makes her way out of hdu room and over to the nurses station.

Jac walks over to kians now lifeless body again, and puts the oxygen mask more comfortable on his face. His hand tries to navigate up to take the mask off but she holds it Down. Kian doesn't even try to resist. His bodys too weak for him to do anything.

(time skip)

Kian had the scan and is now being wheeled back to hdu. His body was still completely drained and was now asleep. The scans came back with what they had suspected, arrhythmia.
"once he's awake we'll have to shock him to get his heartbeat back into rhythm. Is that alright with you, jac"
Max only got the small answer of a nod which she still granted as a yes. "he'll be fine"

She walked over to kian and just sat there she knew he'd have to wake up but she just didn't know when. It could be in a minute, hour, day, days, week, weeks, month. It could go on and on. But she knew he would fight. She knew that because he didn't take it. The drug was in his hand and he didnt use it. Kian Was strong.

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