Chapter 3

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It was maddening that Nathan wanted to re-watch the entire series of Harry Potter, it really was. We're now chilling on my bed hands full of alcohol and snacks with absolutely nothing to watch. I refuse to watch the dumb fantasy humans created because the real warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, etc, were very much different from the movie.

"But I wanted to watch the last movie tho, that's all I ask for!" Nathan said with an exaggerated looks as if he didn't watch the movie more than three times.

"Today's my day correct, so I make the shots, also you know I canceled pack/family affairs just to chill with your dumbass." I spoke with logic because I was right, today was very important to the whole pack because today was my parents last day as the alphas of the pack. Yes, I said alphas. Dominque, my mom, and my dad, Matthew, were alpha's of enemy pack's, it's said that they're mate bond was crazily weird because at one second their fighting or just trying to hump each other's bones. My mother is a menace, I was taught more from her than my dad, who was probably cool with everything. Their packs eventually joined to one and formed a massive pack filled with many strong warriors, which is why our pack was #1 in the country, probably the world.

"This is why you're single" He huffed with his arms crossed. If you didn't know Nathan, one would say he's very immature and not fit to be the next Beta of our huge pack. They don't know that Nathan is actually the smartest person or wolf I know other than my mother, of course. He also one of our strongest fighters excelling in close combat and defense. To me, he's the best Beta anyone would ask for. But just now, what he said crossed the line.

"I'm very much single by choice, I could get any women in our pack, I'm just waiting for my mate. Watch your mouth next time Nate." He seems to forget that I'm his Alpha, or future alpha, but my dominance is particularly exempted from Nathaniel Silva.

Dexter my inner wolf say's.
'hmmmm it still shouldn't weak to the point of him disobeying me , unless the child is your-' Dexter, my inner wolf say's.

'no, that's not possible' I knew what Dexter wanted to say I just couldn't see this is a possible outcome as a future alpha. "I was just trying to help you child, if you need anything I'm sleeping." Dexter was usually asleep and comes out when he's not needed.

"Don't tell me your mad because I said your single" he starts giggling "Don't worry I know you could get any girl, but you only like... twink's." He ended with a grin that didn't last long before he erupted with laughter. What the fuck, for some unknown reason my heart stopped. "Dude I'm joking, you should've seen your face." His laughter increased.

I shot my best friend an ice piercing glare that would scare any wolf in their right mind. He froze up for a bit but started laughing again. My dominance didn't work on Nathan well right now. "Nate you better count your days because I bout to-" without warning my bedroom door shot open. A tall women with midnight black hair and dark eyes marched her way into my room with me and Nate startled because we didn't sense anyone.

"AND why are you Killian Raizal Black NOT UP SERVING YOUR PACK." Dominque, my mom, yelled causing both me and Nate to freeze up. My mother was more feared than my dad if you believe me, no one in the  pack had the right to refuse the women. My dad took care of the making legislations while Dominque oversaw our military strength. My mom treats me like any other pack member regardless of my status, which is why I call her Dominque.

"Alpha, me and Killian were just reminiscing the old days before he becomes the alpha tomorrow." Nathan responds first with a slightly low bow to show respect. Yup Nate was scared of my mom but that lead them to having some weird relationship where they bond over plotting shit against me.

"Nathan baby, now's not the time to watch tv, you should be correcting Killian's wrongs, and Killian, you're supposed to be greeting the board members today, did you know I had to make up some excuse for your behavior? It was so embarrassing." She rambled on with a huge frown on her face. If you can't tell, my mom has a soft spot for Nate, one that even makes my dad question her sometimes.

"Sorry Dominque I promise that this won't happen again, I just want all your sons time to myself." Nathan finished with a smirk, like there was more to what he'd say. I swear their having a private mind link in front of me, and just the thought of it made me mad. "Mo-Dominque I understand" I added while still facing my best friend who seemed to be conversing with my mom.

"Alright Killian, I'm leaving tomorrow night with your dad, guys I expect that both of you are responsible enough to handle our huge ass pack ehh?" Once my coronation as Alpha of Black Blood Pack, my parents plan to travel the world, not has wolfs, but to relax as humans. "By the way, please put the alcohol back, you know tomorrow is a big day, we'll need all the alcohol to get our asses drunk." With that my mother exited the room.

"welp, she killed the mood" Nate says.

"There was no mood to begin with you shithead." At this point I didn't feel like watching anything and my body longed to go outside for some air. "I'm heading out, come if you want." I exited the room with Nate at my tail. As I roam the pack house, my people stopped and bowed, as if there was some type of chill in the air. That was the aura of a dominant alpha that radiated from me and it seemed to weak against Nate, for some reason.

We raced outside the mansion, into the think dark woods that only lurks the unknow. After finding a safe spot to place my clothes, I began to strip my clothes off. I felt eyes on me and saw Nate staring at my nakedness, which was a first, him being completely clothed too. I knew he was watching and that gave me tingles, which didn't feel bad at all, in fact I kinda liked it.

"Nate, you okay" I broke the weird silence first and he seemed to be woken from a trance. I could see sweat dripping from his forehead and the rapid beat of his heart. Something wasn't right in this situation at all.

"Bro, why wouldn't I be okay" he responded as if it was the most obvious thing ever. He slowly began to undress until he was naked as the day he was born.

"lets go"


Welp Nate thinks he slick 😆😂😂

BTW Killian is straight wanted to input that because he's never really seen with women, though he's not a virgin too. Killian is just waiting for his mate.

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