chapter 8

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"Nathaniel you better behave, today you're going to meet the alphas child, your future alpha. If you dare show any disrespect, once we get home you're going to regret your existence!" The man that shared resemblance to Nathaniel, Micheal Silva, the beta of the Black Blood pack shouts at the boy who trembled within his fathers painful grasp. 

The boy was disciplined from the moment he was able to walk to serve his alpha. There was no time to play games or be carefree like the other children, because his rank was greater and had more responsibilities that he didn't want.

Young Nathaniel was more frightened of his father than the alpha's family, from what he knew they were always kind to him, their child couldn't be horrible.

"Don't let me repeat myself!"

"y-yes father" the boy's face has a stream of tears and snot, his ocean eyes were bloodshot, his face was very red , the lump in his throat made it hard for the child to speak.

"Go fix urself, you look terrible ." The four year old was an utter mess, once he tried to wipe all the snot and smeared it all around his face.

He didn't noticed the green eyed women running to his rescue, though there was a limit to what his mother could do. "MICHEAL please stop, that's enough , he's only 4-years-old!" His mother lashed out his father, though he could probably care less about his only son. Behind her figure, hid his sister Misha, who wanted to withstand the tears but it made her sad to see her older brother in such a distraught state.

"Hmph, the alphas kid doesn't even cry" with that Beta Micheal left the house.

Young Nathaniel hated the kid before they even met, his father never congratulated his accomplishments and he was willing to do everything to get his father approval.

April did her best to stop her children from cry and eventually changed them from their wet clothes to something more casual.

Nathaniel fell asleep after his crying session in the car so he was obviously surprised to see himself on an unfamiliar bed alone inside of a huge room.

He left the room and traced his family's scent back to the large area called a living room, with the size of a ballroom. There he was met with his family and two familiar faces, the Alphas, Matthew and Dominque. Sure they've met numerous times, but he met the alphas kid a few times when he was just in his diapers, he could hardly remember his face.

The boy beamed and wanted to hug his alphas but restrained himself because he remembered his father was in the room and he wouldn't like that.

He was too caught up to notice the presence behind him descending the grand stairs.

"Killian, you've finally decided to come out your room?" Alpha Dominque spoke, which caused Nate to search for her son, but was startled to find a beautiful girl.

Nate was beyond confused, he was told multiple times that the alphas had a son, not a daughter. He couldn't care less, because he wanted to interact with the beauty in front of him whose mesmerizing purple eyes and long flowing dark hair, enticed him.

The beauty turned to look at Nate who had a faint blush on his cheeks, who looked away once they've made eye contact.

"Dominique, this is him? He's so small" the beauty let a short laugh. Surprisingly her voice wasn't as soft as Nate thought but her figure was bigger than his own. When Killian reached the end both of their shoulder collided causing the younger boy to tumble.

"I'm not a girl" the boy who was slight taller and had a pleasant scent hissed. Nathaniel could've sworn he had kept those thoughts to himself but guess not.

Their little exchange did not go unnoticed because the Micheal was already plotting.

——- ———————

"I think my decision was dumb, truly who in their right mind share their mate!?!"

"You" they, Dominque, Matthew, and Blake, all agreed. Currently we're in my office, discussing my little situation with my mate, Nate. The whole day I couldn't stay focused and eventually had to leave Nate with that human before my wolf took control.

Sure I did visit the human to scare her, but it got a little boring and I didn't want to seem like I was stalking the poor girl. I honestly didn't see what Nathan saw in her, she was utterly plain.

My parents delayed their long planned trip until they see me in good health, meaning that I mated and marked my mate, my luna.

"With all due respect, how exactly will Killian and Nate conceive a heir?" Blake questioned, this piqued my curiosity because I hadn't thought of that, literally. How the hell am I, male, going to conceive with another male for our successors!

"Oh, they could always adopt or get a surrogate." Dominique responded with a shrug.

"Or they could contact a witch" my father added. Witches were seen as bad omens, they lead to back luck and death, that was an obvious no. "You know they could implant an artificial womb inside one of you guys and bam there's a kid" my father ended it with giving my mom a fist bump, like he said the smartest thing in the world.

"Guys we could worry about that later, how do I claim him without any extra trouble?"

What trouble exactly? The human?

"Son, you're doing too much, just talk it out, and everything will be fine." with that both of my parents left the room with tiny giggles, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I got a sibling any time soon.

"Man don't sweat it, it's going to be okay, our second alpha isn't a fuck up, all the time" Blake said giving me a reassuring smile before also exiting the office that was now dead.

Waiting wasn't going to do me and Dexter any good, we were aching to touch our mate and seeing him with that girl made it worse.


I didn't even know his location, knowing Nate, he could be anywher-

Before I could finish my thoughts an excruciating pain erupted from my entire body. My hands were dangerously trembling to reach for something, anything that helped but it was too much to endure. It felt like my body was being burned from the inside, my claws clawed at my flesh to remedy the pain, but it only intensified.

I couldn't think straight or hear anything because it was to hazy. My vision was going in and out until I welcomed the dark abyss.




PLS Comment feedback, as criticism is welcomed for improvement😊


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