Chapter 10

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TW chapter will contain homophobia and violence, if you're uncomfortable pls skip!!!

"What's the report on the border situation?"

Recently there's been sightings of rogues near the pack's borders, they probably thought that a new alpha, meant some changes. There were poorly mistaken because once they were caught, there was no way out.

"we've apprehended 3 rogues so far, they've remained silent throughout our torture methods. Would you like us to-"

"I take over, I'll make sure they speak" I finished. I needed an outlet to take my anger on and these rogues messed with me at the worse time.

It's been a week since Nate and I spoke, but when we did,  it was all business and pack related discussions. He knows its impossible to avoid me but he's somehow managed to get Blake to take in for him. At this rate Blake would be classified as my beta, but I only wanted Nate though.

I want all of him, physically and mentally.

*Flashback from the previous week

After Nate ran out my bedroom's bathroom I followed him until he was in my grasp. I trapped him when I put my hand and let a low growl escaped my lips and his figure stilled, visibly shuddering.

"Nate you're such a fvcking coward, you're making a fool out of yourself" I whispered, my lips started making their way to his ear and started nibbling them. His breath hitched.

A smirk formed from my lips, I then planted kisses around his nape, I quickly found his sweet spot. When I started sucking and playing with the area, my mate let out a loud moan, which got his face red as a tomato.

Little did he know, I gave him a temporary mark, that'd last for weeks.

"K-Killian w-we can't do this" Nate tried to say, he struck out his hand to chest to pull to away, but I wasn't phased. My knee found place between his legs, massaging his harden member.

"And why is that?"

"Killian you're fvcking straight, plus you need a luna that can-"

"Do I look straight while I'm rubbing your dick?" Nate let out a loud gasp, probably because he was embarrassed. "everything changed when I found out you were my mate, I could care less about having a luna, I only want you" I whispered inhaling his scent that smelt of berries and vanilla, very sweet.

I could tell he wanted to give in but something was holding him back because he was sweating profusely and shaking a bit. Worry engulfed my whole being, and I let my hands carefully caressed my mates face. His breathing was uneven and it was breaking me.

"Nate, tell me what's wrong" I muttered. It was cringy to hear how soft my voice was.

"Can we just put this on a pause, until everything is sorted, please."

I  honestly don't know why I agreed, but I always agree with Nathan and end up regretting it. I never wanted my mate so bad, especially when he's within my reach.


Nathaniel POV

The following week was hell, literally!

School was awful, once I stepped in everyone was watching me, according to a nearby wolf, they thought that I was an alpha, my pheromones were like one, more like I smelt of Killian's pheromones.

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