chapter 14

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It was the day before Nathaniel's birthday, the day where he finally turns 18. Currently, the others were doing some last minute shopping at the mall, including me.

Nate was sleeping at my place that last time we checked.

"How the hell you don't know what your best friend wants!" Reece exclaims with his hands thrown in the air, earning the attention of a few shoppers. "you guys are always together, morning and night!"


"I ordered a few things. Nate likes silly stuff, he wouldn't complain if you brought him a plant." Nate never voiced out any complaints for gifts no matter how stupid and useless it was, he still had his Emmy awarding smile.

"Kil come look at this!" My mother and April, Nate's mom, also came with us for shopping, said she needed more things. I saw Dominique's little stash of gifts and knew I needed to step up. She always went overboard for Nates birthdays along, I had some competition.

I come to the area in the store where I saw the two beautiful ladies, carrying a basket filled of condoms? What the hell!

"What is all this?" I even saw a some other embarrassing stuff like a fucking pregnancy test! I wasn't sure who it was for, but we're not going to be using that.

"Some essentials you boys might need, I not too sure if you two are fond of flavored-"


"Sweetie, the pregnancy test was my idea, Nathaniel will probably try to use it. The kid has always been a little too curious." April giggled and nudged her best friend.

The young alpha sighed, knowing that he'll most likely find his mate peeing on the stick sometime soon. "Buy it, I'm sure he'll use it"

The rest of the day was spent buying silly items that only one person found hilarious, Nathaniel Silva. The whole time Killian had a small smile across his flawless face. It felt like years since I last had contact with another person, sexually at least, and having to face your mate everyday without claiming them was putting the me thru a challenge. I was truly afraid that Dexter would go into rut any day now.

Nate didn't know how much  my fingers ached just to touch him, kiss him, make love to him. His scent was top-tier, I couldn't go a second without inhaling him. I was drawn to him like a moth to light.


The man in the cell had more than enough time to rethink his life decisions. From his mate to his two children. He was a horrible father, no doubt about it. He was strict and a perfectionist, all he wanted was the perfect beta family that it broke them apart because he was selfish. It was a honor for a werewolf to work beside their leader, the alpha, he was taught that very young. He then made his children the perfect beta, without considering their feelings and wants.

He was foolish for agreeing to sabotage his sons life, but it was for the greater good of his pack! When that wicked women came the day after his beating, he couldn't help but agree to her devious plan. Beside him, she was the only one that saw this bond was a mistake.

"Ha...haahhha" he was loosing his shit. What type of father ruins the best thing for their children? Pray for their downfall?

"Man I'm a piece of shit..." he mumbled to no particularly.

"Yeah you are, you made a deal with the devil" the air became tense. She was here again. "You're worst than shit to sacrifice your only son. Well because of you, this all could happen. Tomorrow will be the best day ever! The fall of this shitty playground you call a pack, beta." Her shadow loomed over the cell, she was terrifying tall and ugly, like no wolf out there. She was corrupted.

A corrupted was werewolf that turned away from the moon and abandoned rationality. They were the worse than scum, naturally shunned because of their vicious tendencies. They were feral rogues seeking for power.

Micheal never would have guessed that the very girl who was raised in the pack was corrupted. Much less plotting the fall of his home. His knees gave out and he fell to the wet concrete, his hands were holding his head as he blamed himself.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"

He prayed to the moon goddess in hopes that his pack and family will see every full moon together. He prayed that his only son will forgive him for being a shitty father. And he prayed to be a better person worthy to be loved by his family.


Nathaniel woke up feeling amazing. He could already picture Orion latched on to Dexter, his mate. Nate took a whiff of the air just to smell the intoxicating scent of Killian but oddly he smelt nothing.

That's weird.

Orion was silent, too silent for someone who was counting these days down till he bond with Dexter. He tried to contact his wolf again but was met with silence. Nothing. It was as if all his wolf sense were gone.

"Shit. Nobody ever told me this happens on my 18th." He knew deep down this wasn't normal and he was trying to calm himself down from panicking. He looked at his best friend, sleeping peacefully beside him, and shook him until his violet eyes opened. Killian automatically knew something was wrong with his mate with glistening eye and shaking hands.

"Killian, I think Orion is gone"





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