~Wedding Day & Arrivals~

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~Islas' POV~

I was woken up this morning by Dell rushing into the room in a complete fit basically dragging me from the bed. Jack sat up shaking his head quickly pulling his boots on and walking out of the room, all I could do was shake my head at her.

"Dell everything is going to be fine, we have more than enough time, hell Henry and Carina aren't even here yet."

She let out a deep breath before nodding her head.

"Alright, well what do we do first, well you go get Elizabeth and I'll get ready alright?"

"Okay, I'll be back."

I laughed knowing Elizabeth won't be as easy on her as I was, I sighed going over to my chest finding my dress and shoes. I smiled as I pulled on the shin length white short sleeved underdress, with a dark yellow almost gold over skirt. I smiled tying the dark brown sash under my giant belly, I put on a corset leaving it loose as I tied the strings into bows, I then tied the brown bows on my sleeves, before pulling on my over the knee brown boots.

 I smiled tying the dark brown sash under my giant belly, I put on a corset leaving it loose as I tied the strings into bows, I then tied the brown bows on my sleeves, before pulling on my over the knee brown boots

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 I turned in the mirror looking at my belly from the side, I sighed shaking my head seeing how big I actually am, I'd honestly be surprised if I'm not having twins. I shook my head of those thoughts starting on my hair knowing that Elizabeth will want hers up I'm simply tying the front parts into a low bun leaving the rest to flow down my back. I knew that this was honestly as good as it was going to get with my very pregnant state, I was pulled from my thoughts by Elizabeth and Dell walking into the room with who I assumed to be Carina. I smiled going over holding a hand out to her, she gave me a small smile before shaking my hand.

"I'm Isla, it's nice to meet you."

"Carina Barbossa, nice to finally meet the girl who waged a war dragging my fiancé and his family along for the ride."

I laughed, nodding my head.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but in all honesty I believe I made the sea safer for your fiancé."

"True, can't be too mad at you for that, so what will I be wearing?"

"Well do you want to shock the hell out of Henry?"

She smirked.

"What did you have in mind?"

I smirked going over to my chest pulling out the dress that I knew would work perfectly for what we both have in mind. I held it up and she smiled.

"It's perfect."

"Then let's get started."

I helped her remove her tight dress laying it on the bed helping her into the thigh length long sleeved underdress, before helping her into the purple edged skirt slipping the black one over it. She smiled tying the black front tie corset around her waist, I handed her my over the knee black high heeled boots. She pulled them on looking in the mirror while I took the front parts of her hair pulling it back in a tighter bun than mine, while leaving the rest to stay straight down her back. 

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