2 - A Problem and a Bath

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"We should at least consider the option!"

"I've barely even spoken to Aylissa and now you want me to marry her! That's ridiculous! I don't want to-"

"When addressing the Princess you must use her title."

"I'm sorry, father." Joelin stopped his rant to say. "But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to marry her."

"An alliance with Nauplia would be very beneficial to the Kingdom, their resources are plenty. You should at least consider it." Lord Ellill stated calmly.

"But why me? Why can't Bradlan do it? He's close to her age too and has commented on her several times."

"Because we wish to make an alliance, not start a war." King Therond explained, causing a few low laughs to sound from around the table. Joelin was not one of these people.

"I refuse to marry someone I do not know or love."

Rodier sighed. "And is there someone you do love?"

"No, but I want the option."

"If just not knowing her is your problem why don't we invite her over to stay for a few weeks, then you can know her."

"Excellent plan, Rodier." King Therond commented, making the oldest prince sit up straighter.

Joelin sighed. "Fine, if she comes I will give her the chance. But I still think it's ridiculous that I have to be married first. Rodier isn't even engaged yet."

"Because an opportunity hasn't come up yet."

Joelin balled his fists tightly together and quickly released them before standing up, accepting his defeat. Without another word he left the council room, knowing he'd get berated later but just wanting to be alone with his thoughts.

He burst into his room and practically collapsed onto a nearby chair, rubbing his forehead in exhaustion. 

"Your highness, I'm not sure that walking out was such a-"

"Oh, shut up! I know!" Joelin exclaimed, annoyance replacing his defeat. "I miss Trenin. Should have never let him go."

Even though it was said quietly, Alland still heard. Choosing not to bite his tongue in order to try again to win his favor, he spoke again. "It seems your bath is almost completely drawn."


"Yes, sire. I believe Trenin's replacement must have arrived today." He waited for a response, but got none. "Would you like to-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door opening and two laughing voices walking in. The laughter was immediately quieted when they saw who was in the room. Both pairs of eyes immediately went down.

"So this is Trenin's replacement." Joelin commented before standing up and walking over. "You must be new, bad etiquette is uncommon in people who have worked here before."

"I'm sorry, your highness."

"At least you'll be interesting." Joelin said, his tone getting lighter. "Finish drawing my bath and then go get my washing supplies."

"But sire, I am supposed to-"

Alland stopped talking when Joelin looked back at him harshly. "If I have to hear another word out of you I might just start pulling my hair out."

Alland sighed. "Nobody wants that, sire."

After Rahis and Camayla finished pouring in the water, he was directed towards the closet again and got the several soaps. This whole time, Joelin was in his chair, eyes closed and feet kicked up like he was asleep. He was not. He was busy thinking about his future. He had heard stories about Princess Aylissa, firstborn of King Maurin Mercimmons of Nauplia. She was said to be beautiful, as all Princesses are, but was spoiled and acted very entitled. It was rumored that when she first learned she was ineligible to become Queen, she tried to kill her brother. Of course, she was only twelve at the time and Prince Anald was merely five, but the stories were the reason why they made sure that marrying Rodier wasn't an option. They couldn't have someone like that as Queen. So he was stuck with her. With what he's heard, there was no way he'd fall in love with her or even like her. He just wished he had someone to actually love, someone who could be a reason to reject this insane proposal.

He felt a small touch on his shoulder, making him crack an eye. Brown eyes flashed to the ground when they saw they met another. "Your bath is ready." Rahis said quietly, eyes trained on the floor. He was given quiet instructions from Alland on what to do.

"Good." Joelin said, standing up. With a short command, Camayla was out the door, giving him privacy. He found it improper to be without clothes around a woman who he wasn't intimate with, even if she was just a servant. He also ordered Alland out, who he couldn't stand. Then, alone with Rahis, he shed his clothes and slid into the warm water. Relaxing, he shut his eyes again. He could hear the movements of Rahis, and could feel his gentle touch cleaning and relaxing him, but it wasn't enough to force him out of his thoughts and he liked that. Something about his presence was very calming and steady. Maybe replacing Trenin wasn't the worst thing in the world. Although he was a steady presence, Trenin wasn't the smartest and was often forgetful.

His mind wandered back to Aylissa. If he was to marry her, which it looked like he might, he might as well try to get along with her. He began thinking about what he should do when she gets here. Perhaps going for a ride would be a fun activity. If she gets annoying, he could just make them ride faster so they wouldn't have to talk. Yeah, that sounded like a decent plan.

Before he knew it his bath was done and he was drying himself. "Thank you, that was nice." He said to him. "What's your name?"


"Well, Rahis, I might just have you do that for me everyday. Alland is always so loud and demanding, just wanting to get me done and out."

"Glad I could be of service."

Joelin frowned. "Do you have any kind of personality or are you always going to be so tense?" He didn't know why, but his lack of words were bothering him. "Here, why don't you tell me where you came from?"

"Thenanor, it's by the Big Forrest."

"And why did you come here?"

"To try to make decent money to help my family out."

Joelin nodded. Deciding to not push further, he got Rahis to help him into his clothes. He then headed out to no doubt face the rage of his father.

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