4 - Stress

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When Prince Joelin woke up in bed without remembering how he got there, he was confused. He remembered going to sleep with only Rahis attending him. He must have put him to bed.

While many other people would have been annoyed, upset, or possibly creeped out, Joelin felt a soft smile creep onto his face. He couldn't help but find the servant adorable, even if he was in fact a couple years older and a few inches taller than the prince.

Sighing, Joelin got up from his comfy bed and stretched out, quickly changing himself into new clothes before Alland found his way into his room. He really made a mistake giving him Trenin's job, but he wasn't the kind of person to take something like that away, especially if it was just because he found him annoying. There was a reason he was known as the Kind Prince after all. Certainly better than some of what he'd heard flying around about his brothers. Bradlan, some called him the Whore Prince because of the outrageous number of whores he brought to his bed, others called him the Spoiled Prince because he was very obviously used to getting whatever he wanted on a literal gold platter. Then there was Rodier, the Crown Prince. He was known to be very clearly smart and calculating, but had no personality, every time he spoke was offering his support to their father's plans. It was obvious he had ideas of his own, but didn't speak. Joelin grimaced while thinking of the terrible reputation his brothers got. He knew them pretty well and knew they weren't at all like what the public said. Bradlan, though he spent every night with a different woman, was caring and funny when with his family. And whenever Rodier was away from their father, he would naturally fill the leadership role and had such a powerful yet safe presence that Joelin actually forgot he wasn't King yet at times.

He was startled out of his thoughts by the door opening and Alland stepping in. "Oh, my Lord, you're awake." Joelin, not finding a response to his comment, just flashed a tight-lipped smile. "We have much to do. The Princess is coming in such a short time and we have to prepare and plan out each day. You will of course spend so much time with her, you're guaranteed to fall in love." Joelin rolled his eyes at Alland's bad attempt to cheer him up.


Bath time was becoming one of Joelin's favorite times of day. With each passing day, Rahis got more comfortable with him and talked just a little bit more, but Joelin didn't mind, he liked it. Something about his presence and the way he spoke was soothing. He also loved how when he complained, Rahis would listen fully and offer what wisdom he possessed.

"Aylissa is coming in two days and now it feels I barely have any time to myself." This was one of those days where the prince would rant about all of his problems.

"Would you like me to leave then?"

"What? No." Joelin said quickly, realizing that he only asked because of his earlier complaint.

Rahis dipped the cloth in the water again and brought it up to smake small circles on his back. "Do you know how to give massages?" Joelin asked, when Rahis gave a positive response, that's what he asked him to do. The servant laid the cloth he was using on the edge of the tub and moved his large hands to his bare back.

While it wasn't the best massage he'd ever gotten, it was still good, and before Joelin knew it, it was over. After Joelin was out of the water and dried, he called Rahis to his side again, pulling him away from starting to clean the cloths he used. "If I'm going to ask you to massage me again, I would like you to know some new techniques." Joelin explained, before directing what looked to be a very startled Rahis to lay on the bed without a shirt. He was unsurprisingly muscular underneath, but Joelin already guessed that from his shape and the way he held himself. "Here, feel what I'm doing and you might just learn a few things." His words were soft, making their meaning even softer. He slowly put his hands on his back and started moving them, feeling the tension leave Rahis' body. If it were any other man, having his hands on their back would feel strange, but this felt fine. Joelin found that he felt he had known Rahis for years rather than less than a month.

After a while, he realized he had zoned out and was still massaging his servant's back. He had only meant to show him some proper techniques, not give him an actual massage, but something about the way Rahis would relax under his touch was mesmerizing. Clearing his throat, he moved slightly away, causing Rahis to slowly sit up, his posture relaxed and face content. "Would you like me to do you, my lord?"

Joelin shook his head, needing some time to his thoughts. A Prince had just given a servant a massage, this wasn't something he should think of lightly. Rahis just simply nodded before standing up and putting his shirt on, heading out of the room.

Joelin looked at the towel around his waist and started to dress. Aylissa was coming so soon and he wasn't ready to lose so much of his life just yet. How he wished that arranged marriages weren't a thing and he could find somebody to love first. But nobody ever really gets what they want.

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