9 - Clothing and Interesting Conversations

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To say that Prince Joelin was less than Princely was an understatement.

When Rahis came in with breakfast, he realized he was the first one there, Alland was nowhere in sight and he was the one who usually got the prince up and ready for the day. Considering that it was past time to wake up, Rahis took it upon himself to do it. It was scary, but necessary, as a sleepy prince must not be as horrible as a mad one, right? That's what Rahis kept telling himself as he walked over to the prince's side, gently shaking his shoulder and softly calling out his name. "Prince Joelin, it's time to get up." Then, remembering what he was instructed to do the day before, he uncomfortably forced out a different name, terrified that the prince would change his mind or someone would overhear. "Lin, wake up."

With that, the prince began to open his bleary eyes and start to sit up. It was only then Rahis realized that he was in his riding clothes still and was dirty. He internally groaned, knowing he had a busy day of cleaning ahead of him. "Rahis? ...What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast." Rahis said with a smile.

Prince Joelin slowly looked around, taking note of the brightness of the outside. "Where is Alland?"

"That's a good question."

The prince smiled a bit at that before looking down at himself. "Wow, I'm filthy. Should probably get a bath before I have to deal with my family. Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Rahis said, as it was his job. He turned to go get Camayla to help as Prince Joelin slowly got out of bed and began to eat.

By the time he finished bathing the prince, something that had become usual and no longer awkward at all, it was later than he'd like and he had to start cleaning quickly if he wanted to be done by the time the prince got back. Thankfully, Camayla took it upon herself to clean the floor and the rest of the room while Rahis only had to take care of the laundry. He had just finished dropping off the sheets and was heading back for the rest of the clothes when he ran into someone familiar.

"Kelsya!" He greeted his friend, who was walking besides Kimanna, another one of Prince Bradlan's servants, the messenger. Usually he'd only see Kelsya with Eloline, but this was the first time he was meeting who had to be Kimanna, so he was trying to be positive. "Hey, Kimanna."

The light-haired girl nodded in greeting. "Rahis! It's been a while." Kelsya replied.

"It's been busy." Both girls nodded. "So, what are you guys up to?"

"I finished early and decided to help Kels with some cleaning."

"I didn't know you could do that."

"There's nothing stopping me."

Kelsya smiled at her before turning to Rahis. "Most messengers just spend the rest of their day for themselves, but Manna just likes to help out."

"You like spending time with Prince Bradlan?"

Kimanna's face darkened. "Of course not." She quickly closed her mouth and glanced around, remembering they were in a public place. Once satisfied they were alone, she turned back to him. "I just help out around here, he's just not the best person to be a female servant to."

Rahis nodded in understanding, although feeling a little bad for the prince. He couldn't help it, those few minutes he spent with him invoked strong feelings of sympathy and made him want to help, even though there was no way he could. "Well, I best get going, if I wait any longer than I won't be done till the light's lost." All three said their quick goodbyes while going off to do their tasks. As he walked off, he couldn't help but reflect on his own relationship with Prince Joelin's messenger, Nathania. He barely talked to her, and although they've always been friendly, she seemed really nice and he hoped to one day have a friendship with her.

One would think that was the last notable event to happen that day, but he once again found himself running into someone in the hallways. Ironically, the person he was just talking about.

"Rahis." Prince Bradlan greeted him.

Rahis didn't dare look up, already having made that mistake many times. "Prince Bradlan."

"Oh, is that my brother's riding clothes?" Rahis nodded. "That reminds me, how is he doing? He seems so upset now. Pulled away Rodier to speak and everything, and they only talk when it's serious."

"I know nothing of that." He didn't, the prince liked to keep political business to himself most of the time. Of course this was ignored almost whenever Princess Aylissa was involved.

"Oh, come on, don't be a bore! How is he doing?"

Rahis shifted. "He's been stressed lately."

"Well I know that much." There was a pause. "Oh, you're supposed to be getting those somewhere. Come, walk with me, don't want you working too late." Rahis nearly dropped what he was holding in surprise when the prince grabbed a few things and started walking. He quickly caught up, walking side-by-side with him.

"Why are you helping me?" Rahis dared to ask. It was well known that Prince Bradlan didn't care for the servants, much less help them with anything. This was further proved by the astounded stares of the other servants as they passed.

"You're supposed to help out your friends, aren't you?" His tone was teasing, making Rahis stiffen up even more. This was insane!

"Umm... I guess so?"

Prince Bradlan laughed at that. "I'm just pulling your string, I was bored and saw you."

"How can a Prince be bored?" Rahis asked, genuinely curious.

He shrugged. "I don't have many responsibilities and my brothers are busy doing their own things."

"What about Princess Sabrasia?"

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get rid of me."

Rahis turned red and quickly shook his head. He actually kind of liked the prince's company that much, although he'd never admit that to any of the other servants. "Oh, no. I was just curious. Even though I've been working here for a while I still have little idea what goes on in here."

Prince Bradlan laughed again. "Well, Sabrasia and I don't get along that well right now."

"Isn't she like seven?"

"Yeah, but her confidence is large even for a Princess and she definitely did take my favorite belt, so..." he stopped there, but Rahis smiled softly. "Oh, that's the smile of someone who knows. Do you have any siblings?"

Rahis nodded. "Yes, two sisters. Keltia and Yadentine."

"Older or younger?"

"Keltia is two years older and Yadentine four years younger."

"Do you get along?"

Rahis thought about it for a moment. "More with Keltia. Yadentine has always been quite annoying." The Prince raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't mean to overstep, my family is lovely, it's just Yadentine would always find ways to word things to get my father on her side. Every time. I cannot tell you how many times I've been punished for something that was her fault just because she knows how to talk."

The prince laughed yet again. "Yes, I definitely feel the same struggles. What is it with younger siblings?"

"I really don't know." Rahis answered honestly, joining in on the laughter. He barely even noticed when Prince Bradlan set a friendly hand on his arm as the dropped the clothing off, too caught in the moment.

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