15 - A Second Meeting

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Rahis found himself wandering down that same hallway yet again the next day. He had rushed through many of his chores and even though they were likely to be done poorly, he had a decent amount of free time before his next duties. And he was hoping to spend that free time like he had his last. When he came across the door leading to the room he spent a large part of the other day in, he slowed his pace, hoping that he'd run into the man yet again.

That had been the wildest and most wonderful time of Rahis' life, seriously making him consider even thinking of a woman like that ever again. His night that night had been filled with images of the man's many expressions and the feel of his body against his own. He couldn't help but want more.

However, when he got to the end of the hallway, he was disappointed and turned around to walk back and try to find a way to entertain himself.

As he was walking back down, he heard a loud, muffled sound followed by muted conversation behind a door. Normally, Rahis would've ignored it, but this was the door the man had come out of earlier, and the desire to see him again outweighed everything else. He cautiously walked up to the door, raising his hand to knock, but after looking at the large size of the door thought better of it. He slowly reached down and cracked open the door, pushing it open at a snail's pace. After a moment, he could see that the room was a library, not as big as the one Joelin would sometimes visit, but still a library. He pushed the door wider, just enough to slip insider before closing it behind him.

Now that he was inside, he could hear the voices clearly. "If you just think about it, your-"

"Leave, Lord Darlold." Rahis felt a large smile break out on his face and a shiver go down his spine as he crept closer. Even if the tone was different and the words felt forced, it was him.

"You've never acted like this before. If I had half a mind I would go bring this concern to your father and-"

"You will bring nothing to my father, and I've already told you to leave." There was the sound of footsteps, but thankfully they passed a shelf over from where Rahis was standing before going out the door.

With the threat of the other person removed, Rahis walked faster towards where he heard the voices. It brought him to a somewhat large table, with the man filling his dreams in a chair, face in hand, looking exhausted. Suddenly feeling like an intruder, Rahis resisted the urge to back away. He didn't know what to do to gain his attention.

Turns out all he needed to do was step forward, the floor making a small squeak, but enough for the man to whip around in his chair.

As soon as he recognized Rahis, however, his face broke out in a large smile, his posture relaxing. "It's you!"

"And you." Rahis said, his face also in a smile.

The man stood up before walking over, tightly embracing him. Rahis welcomed it. "I didn't know if I'd see you again since I don't know your name or where you work." He whispered against Rahis' neck before pulling away, face still close. "Will you please tell me?"

"Will you tell me your name?" The man shook his head. "Then no." His words were harsh, but the tone joyful and smiles staying on their faces.

"So I'm assuming you didn't hear my previous conversation?"

Rahis' ears turned red, embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping. "Just the last few words spoken." The man hummed in understanding. "You know, I'd really love to be able to call you something instead of you being this nameless person." Even if he knew nothing of the man, he felt a comfort with him that he'd never felt with anyone else, and by the way the man was speaking to him, he felt it too.

"I would like that too."

Rahis thought for a second. "If you will not give me your name I will have to call you by something else. Perhaps something embarrassing to convince you to let me know your actual name." The man hummed again. "Angel eyes? Honey?"

"I like the first one better, but both too strange to be called." He said. "Like I can think of nothing for you that could measure up, my dear."

Rahis froze, looking deep into the man's eyes. That was a shock. "Your dear?"

"I can think of no other that would be more worthy of the title." He said sweetly as he tilted his still close face to meet Rahis' lips. He pulled away shortly after. "You know, this morning I could barely get out of bed."

"Oh yeah?"

He hummed affirmatively. "Everything burned in the most pleasant way. I didn't even have the energy to get clean until about an hour later." He pressed himself up against Rahis.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps I should be more gentle." Rahis teased.

He grabbed his face, his movements gentle but his grip rough. "Don't you even think about that."

Rahis smiled, walking backwards with his arms still secure around the man, who was walking with him. "I wouldn't dare." He kissed him again. "Now let's go to your room." He said, now at the door.

"Why? There's no one else in here."

"Yes, but someone could walk in."

Rahis felt the man's arm slip under his own and glanced down to see it pull down a wooden bar across the door. "Now they can't."

"It's a library." Rahis tried again.


"And it's a place that many-" His protests died on his throat as the man brought his hand down to rub against forbidden places.

"Still want to go all the way to my room."

"Oh, shut up." Rahsi said breathlessly, tangling his fingers in his partner's hair and pulling his mouth to his, not even thinking twice about his words.

Some time later, both were breathless as they sat against a shelf, their clothing casually thrown on themselves seconds before.

Finally with a somewhat clear head, Rahis looked around the room. "How did that happen?"

"What?" His partner breathed from beside him.

Rahis slowly gestured with his arm around the room, but the man just looked at him. "Look at this mess!" There were books all over the floor and some of the shelves were not in their original positions.

He just smiled tiredly as he looked around. "Yeah, we did have fun."

"That's not the point, we have to pick it up." Rahis forced his tired body off the ground, about to go pick up some of the books on the ground when he was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"No, stay here, next to me." He said, trying to pull Rahis back. "We'll have one of the servants clean this up."

Rahis rolled his eyes and pulled himself away. "I am a servant, and I will not give them more work. Now are you going to help me or not?"

The man looked baffled, a look he found himself often having on when talking to the servant. He slowly nodded, taking Rahis' offered hand to stand up, groaning in pain as soon as he had to put weight on his legs. He ignored Rahis' teasing smile before starting to pick things up with him.

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