5 - A Drunken Conversation

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Rahis was felt like he'd be relaxed for the remainder of the day. As he walked down the hall, he conveniently ran into Camayla. "What's gotten into you?"

Rahis raised his eyebrow, shooting her a curious gaze.

"You're walking much more confidently than you did before."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Guess I'm just relaxed."

"Why, did something happen?" He shook his head. "Oh my gods, tell me what happened!"

He smiled, happy to have a friend who knew him so well. He pulled her aside to a corner away from everyone. "Prince Joelin just gave me a massage."


"He was just showing me how to do it proper, but it was amazing, I feel so relaxed."

Camayla just looked at him in amazement. "That's incredible! You probably shouldn't tell anybody though, as he is a prince and you're... you. Why he's taken such a liking to you is a mystery to us all."

Rahis playfully shoved her shoulder, obviously getting her joking tone. They had become practically best friends over the past few weeks and could read each other well. Of course, Rahis got to befriend many other servants over the time there and greeted most by name as he passed them in the halls. With a few parting words, he continued on his way, needing to clear a few things up in the kitchens before dealing with the laundry and Camayla needed to wrap a few things for Nathiana to take care of in the morning.

The big day had finally arrived. Princess Aylissa was finally coming. Rahis had never been so busy in his life. Ever since the early hours of the morning, he was cleaning and cooking.

When it was time for the Princess to arrive, the excitement was high. He knew they weren't supposed to look at royalty, but all of the servants were clearly sneaking peeks out the window to see if she'd come yet. It's been a while since someone of such importance had visited. And since she was the Princess, the King would most likely follow.

When he heard the sounds of horses, Rahis couldn't help but stop by the window, staring out. A beautiful carriage had stopped in front of the main doors, pulled by two white horses.

Rahis saw a large man he'd only ever seen in pictures walk to near the carriage, followed by a lady with white hair. The King and Queen. The carriage doors opened and a round man wearing a comically large band of gold on his head stepped out. With what he saw, Rahis knew him to be King Maurin Mercimmons of Nauplia. He wasn't what he expected him to be, well neither was King Therond. They both looked like they could be just regular lords, unlike the Prince Joelin and Queen Fanna, who looked to be actual royalty, but Rahis knew that both men had been training for their position since birth. He had heard that their presence was very kingly and powerful, but he had never been in the same room as them so he didn't know.

King Maurin greeted King Therond with a smile, laugh, and hug before turning and gesturing to the carriage door. A young woman stepped out, her head held high. She had very long brown hair tied up intricately and wore an emerald green dress. Her features were fair and she indeed looked every bit as royal as it was said. Rahis caught himself before he snorted, at least Prince Joelin ought to be happy that he'll like at least one thing about her. With the way she walked, she clearly felt entitled.

When he heard a throat clear behind him, Rahis turned to Camayla with an apologetic look on his face and went back to work.

It wasn't till dinner that he saw anything worth noting. Of course this thing worst noting was more than many could hope to be around in their lifetime.

Rahis stood next to Camayla near the wall with his head bowed, occasionally stepping forward to help serve food. A few paces in front of him sat Prince Joelin, who was talking to his family and Princess Aylissa's. Although Rahis didn't really care what they spoke about, he'd catch things here and there. Just as he thought, Princess Aylissa was a bit of a snob. He could also tell that Prince Joelin was getting tired and Prince Bradlan was drinking too much. His laughter got louder and drunker every few minutes.

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