16 - Boring Meetings

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Rahis was late yet again when Joelin got back from his father's meeting. Although because he had already done his duties, Joelin couldn't find it within himself to be too mad. He was disappointed though that he didn't get to work with him on his reading.

"As Rahis isn't here, would you like me to bathe you today, sire?" Alland asked, his tone lifeless as always. Joelin shook his head, he had gotten used to the friendly relationship he had with Rahis. "Well if you want to put off the bath you must get working on going through some of the proposals your father entrusted you with. You have to present the worthy ones at tomorrow's meeting."

"Another meeting?" The prince only really had to go to those things once a month, but it's been nearly every day the past week.

Alland nodded. "Yes, sire. As you have been-" he paused to lightly cough and inhale sharply through his nose. "Pardon me, sire. But as I was saying, due to your future and quickly approaching marriage to Princess Aylissa you have been an important player. Not to mention that you will be interacting a lot with many important figures and need more training."

Joelin groaned. "But these meetings are so boring!"

"You have conducted yourself well thus far, I'm certain your father has grown the upmost faith in your abilities."

"Are you okay, Alland?" Joelin asked as the servants voice turned rough at the end of his sentence.

"I assure you, I am and will remain fine, sire."

Alland was not fine. Nathiana had to wake the Prince and inform him that his servant had caught a sickness that made him unable to serve him, much to Alland's distaste. Joelin was especially concerned because he had that meeting today, and it was one of the few servants were allowed to attend. His whole family would each bring to their personal servants to stand around and serve them. Suddenly, Joelin had an idea.

"Rahis." He called, the servant looking up from his task. He was especially busy today due to the fact that he got back late enough so that after the Prince's bath, he didn't have time to finish all of his duties and had to do them today. Also due to the fact that Alland couldn't perform his job that day and he'd have to pick up some of the slack. "Would you mind coming with me to a meeting with my family?"

Rahis' eyes widened. "Oh course, whatever you need." Whether Rahis actually wanted to go or agreed out of duty, Joelin didn't know.

"Fantastic. We don't have much time before it, so I'll just run over the basic things you must know." There were many rules to being there, even for servants. "Keeping your head down is very important. My parents and brothers will be there, though I doubt Sabrasia will be in attendance. Their servants will be there too, my parent's servants have much stricter rules and act a lot more professional, so follow their lead if needed. You will stand against a wall they will no doubt already be there, so just stand next to them. I will likely ask for something to drink and you'll be the only one to serve me." Rahis nodded, trying to keep up in his head. "Due to the fact that many important lords and King Maurin himself will be there, I am required to wear my crown and formal wear, as will all the other royalty. Can you please get that, it's in the secure box in the corner." He said, taking off his necklace and handing the key strung on it to Rahis, who hesitantly accepted it. Camayla, who was putting away his clothes at the moment, recognized the prince was about to change and left without a word. Although every other member of the family kept their precious things like their crown in more secure rooms, Joelin liked having it there.

With quite a bit of instruction, Rahis was able to get Joelin ready, the last thing needed was the crown. Because he was only a prince, and the third one at that, his crown was a simple intricately woven band of gold that sat around his head. Rahis carefully placed it on, arranging his hair so that it sat nice and proud on his head. Satisfied, they both headed out, Rahis walking a few steps behind with his head bowed, as it was respectful.

Within no time at all, Joelin was seated at the large table with Rahis on the wall, waiting for people to enter. Joelin's mother and Bradlan were already there, along with all the lords who would be attending, making the line of servants next to Rahis decently large.

The door opened and Rodier walked in, with his servant Calores a few steps behind, looking as composed and princely as ever, making both Joelin and Bradlan jealous of how strong he was, as they were with every show of strength.

A few minutes later, their father and his servant Trevid came in and the king sat at the head of the table. He looked around, obviously looking for the other king. When he found nothing, he leaned back, obviously waiting.

He didn't have to wait for long, as King Maurin came bursting in with a round man scurrying beside him seconds later. King Therond stood to greet him. "Welcome, Maurin, I am pleased you were able to attend."

"Yes, yes. Now let's make this fast." King Maurin responded.

"You do not have to stay if you don't want, we shall just be going over a few matters, some of which concern you." Therond said.

"Well let's get on with it then!"

Therond nodded before they started talking about matters of their visit and a little bit about the wedding, which Joelin just tuned out. Bored, he spent his time letting his eyes wander around the room, focusing and thinking about strange things. The prettiness of the fire, how well the stones fit into the walls. When he got bored of that too, he decided to start looking at the people around the table. Bradlan also looked terribly bored, eyes unfocused and looking past Joelin's head, thinking about things Joelin was sure he didn't want to know. He waved to Rahis to bring him a drink, his request promptly granted. His mother sat beside Bradlan, actually paying attention to the Kings, adding her bit in every few minutes. His father and King Maurin were speaking, the visiting king dressed as lavishly as he was every other time Joelin saw him while his father was dressed more simply. He turned to Rodier after that. What he saw wasn't nearly what he was expecting. The normally composed and proper Crown Prince was looking down at edge of the table, eyes wide, looking on the verge of panic. Joelin had never seen him like this before, and was naturally very worried. He turned back in to what the Kings were saying, perhaps what they were talking about was causing the reaction, but they were just speaking of differences in taxes, not that strange a topic since it had been brought up multiple times over his visit.

"You shouldn't take so much money from the people." King Maurin was saying. "I don't. Rodier, you're going to be the next King," King Maurin said, snapping Rodier's attention to him at the sound of his name, "please tell me you aren't going to be so cruel with taxes as your father will be."

When he was being spoken to, his composure had returned, but Joelin's careful eyes could see how much he was fidgeting, clearly very stressed out, whatever was affecting his brother clearly made him not want to have much attention. But now all eyes were on him.

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