8 - Bread

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"Is there anything else to eat?"

Joelin shook his head. "I think that this bread is more than enough to hold us over till we get back."

Aylissa groaned loudly in a way clearly not suitable for a Princess. "I don't care about that. It's just the quality of the bread is terrible."

"It's the best bread the kingdom has to offer."

"Really?" She said, throwing him an unamused look. "At home even our cheapest bread is better than this."

"Well we are in Tana, not Nauplia."

She made a sound of disgust. "I've been to Koda, you know, and have dined with Princess Jonilla herself. That bread was almost as good as the one at home, this doesn't even compare."

"Good for you." Joelin replied, jaw clenching tightly. "If I ever set foot in Koda I'd probably be killed on sight."

Aylissa scoffed. "They'd probably hold and lightly torture you. You'd be killed on sight in Narva, haven't your parents taught you anything?" He really didn't like her tone.

"No, I don't really pay attention on what kind of torture I'd have to endure if I go somewhere I'm not going to go."

"No torture, they'd be quick about it."

Joelin closed his eyes and leaned against the tree, taking a few moments to compose himself. "Aren't they planning on marrying Princess Jonilla off to some lord in Narva?"

"Seems like it. Shame, she was fun to be around." Joelin smirked to himself, not even Aylissa could go into Narva unharmed.

"Well, I've never met her."

"Yes, like I've said, shame."

"I haven't been to Koda, but I've been to Secos and met King Ardan." He said, trying to get one up on her.

"Of course you have, he's your uncle."

At this point his nails were leaving marks on the inside of his palms. Joelin refrained himself from bringing up his trip to Camunia since he knew her mother was from there and she no doubt had visited. "Okay, is there anywhere that I could have gone that would impress you."

"Nydaenia, and possibly Narva."

"Of course I haven't been to Nydaenia! No one has! Are you really so well travelled that that's the only two places you haven't been to?" He asked, frustrated.

Aylissa was silent. "I haven't been to Secos."

"It's cold."

"I know."

They glared at each other for a moment. "Would you like to start heading back, my lady?" Joelin forced out, an evident bite to his tone.

"That would be wonderful." She said, her voice the same as it had been for their whole conversation.

Joelin quickly remounted his horse and a quick glance showed Aylissa had done the same already, watching him with a look that screamed really? He rolled his eyes and they both started off, Aylissa slightly ahead the whole time. Thankfully, like the ride out, they didn't speak, but Joelin still glared at her from behind. There was no way he'd ever marry her.

In his mind, it took way too long to get back to the castle, and even longer to get back into his room. In fact, as soon as the stable boy grabbed the reins of his horse, he took off towards his room, not talking to anybody. When he got there, he threw his bag onto a chair and face planted on the bed.

"Are you alright, Prince Joelin?" Joelin pulled his head up to see Rahis looking at him with wide eyes, his hands paused in their task of putting his clothes away. He quickly looked away once the prince met his eyes. Joelin hated when he did that.

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