6 - Forgetting

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Prince Bradlan awoke with harsh pounding in his head. He recognized the feeling immediately. It seems he had once again been drinking. But why? He slowly started to remember the visiting King and Princess. Ah, Princess Aylissa, what he would do to lift her skirts. But he knew he couldn't. Especially not now that she was engaged to Joelin. He slowly cracked open his eyes and turned over in bed, searching for the woman he undoubtedly bedded. He frowned when there was none. He was certain that someone was in his room before he went to bed, so why weren't they there anymore? Did they leave before he woke up? Didn't they know never to leave an occupied Prince's room without being dismissed? Maybe it was some little lord's daughter. He smirked at the thought, but when his gaze drifted down he frowned again. He had clothes on and there was no evidence of sexual happenings. He'd never been drunk and woke up the next morning without sleeping with somebody. So who was in his room last night? He was certain it wasn't Calin, he'd dismissed him when he started feasting, and if it was one of the girls serving him he wouldn't have woken up alone.

Calin came in shortly after with breakfast and helped to dress him and get him ready for the day.

Bradlan was deep in thought of what happened until he nearly ran into his brother. "Rodier, how are you?" He asked, his demeanor changing from deep in thought to laid back and confident immediately. Rodier didn't even glance towards him, just rolled his eyes and kept walking. Bradlan turned his direction so he was walking next to his brother. "You looked pretty bored yesterday at the feast."

"I was not." Rodier replied sharply. "I had things I was thinking about, which I'm sure is a problem that's never plagued you."

Bradlan sighed. Both Rodier and his father never took him seriously. To be fair, that was a little bit his fault but it still hurt. Not bothering with Rodier any longer, he pulled away and went in search of somebody who would be a little more appreciative of his presence. Naturally, he started seeking out Joelin. He was the only family member besides his mother who really seemed to care about him, not even Sabrasia cared anymore, but he didn't feel like trying to find his mother since her schedule was always so unpredictable.

Thankfully, Joelin was still in his rooms, pacing and nervously listening to Alland chatter about his future wife. Bradlan didn't even bother knocking and burst in, startling his brother and the three servants in the room. "Joelin." He greeted, making himself comfortable on a chair and kicking his feet up on the table.

"Bradlan." Joelin returned the greeting.

"So, Princess Aylissa seems as lovely as ever."

Joelin frowned. "I don't like the way she speaks. I don't know if I'll be able to stand her for a week, much less a lifetime."

"Maybe, but she has certainly grown into her looks. I have no doubt you'll be satisfied in that area."

Joelin sighed. "I'm not like you. I can't be intimate without feeling something." Bradlan ignored the stab of pain in his chest. He knew that his family didn't believe he could ever feel something like that for someone.

"Don't listen to your head, just follow your body's desires. You'll be fine." Bradlan let his eyes roam to where he knew a pretty servant was tidying up. He'd had fun with her a few times and wouldn't mind another go right about now.

Joelin glared at him. "Pushing that aside." He changed the subject. "I'm to go riding with her tomorrow."

"Oh, very ni-" He forgot what he was saying as his eyes landed on a familiar face, which brought back memories of the night he was missing. The servant boy in the room was the one who put him to bed last night. But why? He was remembering bits and pieces of their conversation, but never the whole thing. 'It is wonderful and painful,' 'your father does a lot to make him happy.' 'I'm sure you'll find somebody.' 'Well, if you need a friend, I would be happy to fill that slot.' He remembered brown eyes staring into his own, just like they were doing now, instead of kindly like their last conversation, his eyes were now fill of fear. As they should be. Bradlan remembered. He had every reason to have the servant arrested to be killed on the spot.

But he didn't.

Instead he looked back towards his brother. The words that the servant had said were so kind and genuine, something Bradlan rarely ever hears, that he didn't want to arrest him. Although he certainly wanted to have a firm talk with the boy.

Joelin was confused and looked behind him to where Bradlan was looking, towards Rahis, who had quickly turned back to his work by then, moving things around with no purpose since his mind was so distracted. Neither prince noticed. Joelin felt strange at this, his brother had stopped mid word and just to look at him. "What is wrong with Rahis, has he done something to offend you?"

"Rahis, that's the name of the servant boy?" He asked, even though he looked to be around his age. Joelin nodded. "I just haven't seen him around."

"He's new, Trenin's replacement."

"Who's Trenin?"

Joelin sighed. It was sad how his family barely paid attention to the names of the servants that weren't their own. Even their own they would really only learn the name of the one who attended the most, sometimes not even that. "He's the one that followed me around all the time."

"Oh, and that annoyingly stiff servant replaced him? He is such a bore, I would arrest him just for the torture of putting you through his company." He heard awkward shuffles behind him and knew said servant was upset with what he said about him.

Joelin glared at his brother. "Alland is helpful when need be and you get used to him. Rahis is a good servant too already though, I had him take you to your room last nights. It seems you got there safely."

"Not unharmed though. Alcohol does terrible things to my head." He said, rubbing his face to demonstrate his still pounding head.

"You're used to it."

"That I am."

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