3 - I saw him naked

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"You did not list that as one of the duties!" Rahis exclaimed dramatically.

Camayla just laughed. "I didn't think it was, Alland was supposed to do that."

"I just saw the Prince naked!"

"And cleaned him too." He glared at her. "He wasn't bad looking, was he?"

"No, of course not. But still, to make someone who's on their first day at the job go through that, it's cruel."

"Don't even say that." She said, her voice going serious immediately. "He is the kindest of all the royal family."


Camayla looked around nervously before grabbing his arm. "I'm going to show you something, come on."

She led him down more hallways till she was in front of a door. "This is Prince Bradlan's room." She dragged him further then pulled a tapestry aside, where a doorway was. "Servants use these to move around undetected, but since you're one of the servants of someone royal you don't have to use them." She pulled him through until there was a small hole in the wall. "Look through it."

"But that's the Prince's room!" He whisper-yelled. "It's not allowed!"

"The window was put here to allow us to make sure the room was appropriate to enter without anyone knowing we were found. It's not too bad to use it for that. Now look."

Swallowing his nerves, Rahis moved forward, looking in. It took a few moments to realize what he was seeing.

Over where the bed was, the curtains were drawn around it, and inside he saw movement. From the soft grunts coming from the bed, it was obvious what was happening. What surprised Rahis, was the fact that there were still servants in the room, a man doing tasks, and a woman kneeling. With a closer look, he realized that the woman was Kelsya.

His attention was brought back to the bed when a deep, "You're useless," came from it. The curtains were pulled back to reveal a very naked and sexually unsatisfied Prince Bradlan with another naked woman uncomfortably sitting and scooting off the bed. He glanced around the room before walking over to Kelsya and stopping when his business was very close to her face before grabbing her hair and tilting her head up. Rahis wanted to look away but couldn't as Bradlan used her mouth to satisfy himself. "Dress me, Calin." The male servant stopped what he was doing and walked over, but that was all Rahis needed to see.

He grabbed Camayla's hand and dragged her out and didn't stop walking till he found an empty room. "What was that? He can't just do that to servants!"

"You're lucky you aren't a woman, or you'd probably have it happen to you."

"He does that to servants that aren't his own?" She nodded. "He's done that to you?"

"It's part of the job."

"You said Prince Joelin was kind, maybe if you told him what was happening-"

"Prince Bradlan has done it in front of Prince Joelin. I can tell he doesn't like it, but there's nothing he can do. Only Prince Rodier or the King could order him to stop, but they don't."

Rahis looked down. "I'm sorry that I called Prince Joelin cruel when you see your friends go through that. Are the other members of the royal family anything like that?"

"Not as bad. King Theron and Queen Fanna keep their servants under a tight lock, so they never say exactly what they're like, but they're ignored from what I can see. Prince Rodier is pretty terrible, not in the same way as Prince Bradlan, but he doesn't really treat us like people, ordering us around and not even giving us the time of day. Princess Sabrasia is still young and relies upon us a lot, so she's probably even more pleasant to work with than Prince Joelin."

There was silence while they both processed what was said before Rahis chuckled slightly. "I can't believe on my first day I've seen two out of three of the Princes naked."

Camayla started laughing too, the serious atmosphere fading away. "I've been working here for years and I can't even say that. But good luck getting three out of three, I heard not even Prince Rodier's personal servant has seen him like that since he bathes himself. Also both him and Prince Joelin sealed off the servant's peeking holes in their rooms."

"Can't say I'm disappointed."

"I don't know, being able to say that is quite the accomplishment." She stopped talking, her laughing increasing before dying down. "Ah, I think you're fitting in quite nicely."

Most of the day went by without event, the only notable things happening during the Prince's bath time, where Rahis found himself alone with the naked Prince yet again. Trying to think of something else beside his lack of clothes, Rahis turned his thoughts to the young man's features. Even though his eyes were closed, he knew them to be blue. Blue eyes were rare in Tana, but it was common knowledge that his mother was from the Kingdom of Secos, where everyone had blue eyes. He must have gotten that and his near white hair from his mother then. Everything else was clearly from his father. Although he had only ever seen paintings of the King and Queen, he could tell that Prince Joelin resembled the King. Like his brother, Prince Bradlan, his eyes were set deep and his lips were thin. Prince Bradlan's face was a little rounder than his though, and his hair matched his father's deep brown locks while Prince Joelin's was like his mother, although not as white as her's was. Princess Sabrasia was said to have her father's brown hair and her mother's eyes and features. He wasn't sure what Prince Rodier looked like, but he assumed he'd look kind of like Prince Bradlan. He focused back on Prince Joelin's face, which was hard, all of his features showing strain.

"You seem tense." Rahis said without thinking. He immediately clammed up when he realized his mistake.

Joelin either didn't notice his mistake or didn't care. "I've been stressed recently."

Rahis could hear the strain in his voice and was surprised. Joelin was young, barely 18, and was clearly going through something big. "Do you want to tell me why?" He asked, concern for the Prince making him forget his place.

"I'm to be married to a terrible person. She's coming in a month and I'll have to find a way to make our relationship tolerable."

"How terrible is she?"

"I've never actually met her, but stories say she's horrible. No decent person could have those things said about them."

Rahis hummed in agreement. "Perhaps, but there's the possibility that the stories are wrong. Even if they aren't, you shouldn't worry about it now. If she is terrible, then just cross that bridge when you get to it."

Joelin cracked an eye and turned around to meet Rahis' eye. Again, forgetting that he was just a servant, Rahis held his gaze. "You are quite wise for coming from some small village I haven't heard of."

"Thank you?"

Joelin's face cracked into a smile. "You really are funny."

"Well, I try."

Joelin's eyes shut again, but this time a smile was plastered on his face. The prince didn't even realize he fell asleep.

Of course, this provided Rahis with a problem. He had finished washing him, but now he had a sleeping prince in the nude in a bathtub. He knew he couldn't just leave him there, yet he had no idea where Alland ran off to. He didn't want to wake him up, this is the most relaxed he'd seen him. He got one of the towels he saw him use before and laid it out on the bed. Then, steeling himself, he reached his arms down into the water, and scooped him up, one arm under his legs and the other behind his back, praying he wouldn't wake up. Joelin stirred a bit, but his breathing evened out again. Thankful for the prince's light weight and his own muscles, built from years of cutting and carrying wood, he was able to easily carry him to the bed and wrap him up in the towel, quickly drying him and slipping some large clothes on him before tucking him in. More proud of himself than he's ever been, he put away the bath stuff, poured the tub out, and left silently.

Only once he left did he feel worry. Was what he did wrong? Would he be punished? He was so worried, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Not till his shoulder bumped against a strangers. He quickly looked up, apologizing, to see a man of about the same height as himself with brown hair and dark blue eyes. He quickly apologized, bowed his head again and left. Only later did it occur to Rahis that the man he had ran into was wearing much too nice clothes for a servant.

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