5. Loud Music

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Date: October 31st

"Hyung, I gotta go to school," Taehyun complained, trying to leave to just take the bus.

"Nooo. You gotta help me set up for the party." He dragged the complaining boy to the kitchen and he frowned at the endless amounts of alcohol.

"But I'm underage-"

"You're not going to be drinking it."

"But Hyung-" he looked at Beomgyu, quieting when he saw the older boy looking excited. "Okay, what do I do?"

Taehyun was ignorant to exactly how messed up this situation was. He was sweet, which has been made a point multiple times already. All he cared about was pleasing people and making Beomgyu happy. And Beomgyu seemed excited about this party, so Taehyun wanted to help him.

After a little bit, Beomgyu was getting more nervous and Taehyun watched him running around cleaning stuff up.

"When are they coming over?"

"Right now," Beomgyu panicked, going to open the door.

Taehyun's eyes widened when a bunch of people walked in and he quickly got up to go run up to his room, already having to push through people to get there. He locked his bedroom door when he got inside and winced when loud music started banging.

It was so cliché. Why did there always have to be loud music playing?

He went to go lay down, taking a little bit of time to finally fall asleep after drowning out the music.

A/N: Trigger warning!! Skip past the italicized part if you need!!


Taehyun woke up confused. The music was still banging, and he felt a heavy weight on top of him. He blinked a few times before looking, but the lack of light in the room only made a dark figure visible above him.

"So Kang Taehyun is Beomgyu's roommate, huh?" The guy asked and Taehyun desperately tried to reach over to the nightstand where a black dagger was laying, only for his hands to get harshly pulled above his head. "How lucky am I that I got to you first?"

Now, the thought of spitting in someone's face was downright disgusting to Taehyun. But he didn't care right now. All he cared about was doing anything to remove himself from this situation.

So he did just that.

"Bitch!" The man yelled, Taehyun kicking him off of him and grabbing the dagger before standing up.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" He screamed.

He rarely ever raised his voice. But the fear and adrenaline running through him was enough for him to scream loudly above the music.

"I'm not gonna hurt you-"

And now he was genuinely screaming as loud as he could, bolting out of the room and running downstairs, too scared to even be embarrassed by the people staring at him.

"Hyung!" He yelled, running over to Beomgyu who was drinking something and talking to a girl in the kitchen. "Someone tried to h-h-"

"What?" Beomgyu asked, noticeably irritated since he was interrupted.

"Someone tried to have sex with me," he mumbled, hiding behind Beomgyu.

"Good. Go do that then," the girl said and he glared at her.

"Hyung, can you ask all these people to leave? It's already midnight and I'm tired."

Beomgyu sighed and turned to face him. "Just... go to the park or something."

"But it's dark-"

"Taehyun..." Beomgyu grabbed his hand and dragged him away to a quieter place. "You remember when we were younger? You and I were never popular. In fact, we got bullied a lot."

"I know, but-"

"And now I am popular!" He exclaimed happily. Taehyun could tell he was a little drunk, but not enough to not know what what was saying. "You should embrace it. Living with someone who's popular."

Okay, now he was just being mean.

And was Taehyun just someone living with him? Taehyun wasn't friends with someone who was popular?

He was just... living with him...

"But you're mean..."

Beomgyu's eyes widened and he laughed in a mocking way, making Taehyun look down in sadness. "I'm mean?! Really?! What about the people who beat you up when you were younger?! Am I as mean as them?! Am I not the person who fucking stuck up for you?!"

Taehyun's eyes started watering and he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Beomgyu, chill out," Soobin said.

He hadn't really seen Soobin a lot. He hung out with the others in private and only talked to them during lunch. Taehyun had never heard him bully or say anything mean about anyone though.

Why did he hang out with these people?

"Why should I chill out Soobin? Huh? This entire time, he's been nothing but an fucking jerk to me. He can't accept the fact that I have other friends and I have my own fucking life! You're not the only person in the world, you know!"

"What the fuck?! I've been nothing but nice to you!" Taehyun had never yelled at Beomgyu. "This entire time you've been ignoring me, and guess what! I've been trying to get your attention because I still care about you! Does that mean nothing to you?!"

Soobin lightly grabbed Taehyun's arm, and for some reason, he relaxed a little bit, following someone who was practically a stranger to him out of his house.

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