15. I Don't See You

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A/N: He may be a bitch in this story but he is gorgeous. Also it's FINALLY another day lmao.

Date: November 7th

None of them went to school yesterday for obvious reasons. They had a long day before that. Taehyun broke his hand, had his first kiss, lost his virginity, and sobbed at the end of the night. So yeah, that was a pretty busy day.

"I don't wanna go today," Taehyun complained as he and Kai sat in the back of Soobin's car.

"I don't think any of us do," Yeonjun said, groaning when Soobin parked in front of the school.

"Jeez, it's not my fault," he said and they all started laughing. "We still have ten minutes until we have to go inside. Let's wait."

They all started talking and laughing about random stuff, Taehyun taking his phone out when it started ringing.

"Taehyun, why is Beomgyu calling you?" Kai asked.

The other two stopped talking to look at him and he stared down at his phone for a second. The last thing he and Beomgyu talked about was a condom.

A fucking condom.

Beomgyu never called him anymore, so what could he possibly want?

"What?" He asked after picking up the phone and putting it on speaker.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "None of your business."

"It is my business when I'm in charge of you."

"My parents don't care. Don't act like you're my babysitter or something. I'm more responsible than you anyway."

Kai giggled, holding his hand over his mouth when Beomgyu very obviously heard it. "Who's with you?"

"Why does it matter?"

Beomgyu loudly groaned and Taehyun stared out the window while listening to him. "My parents bought the place where you're currently living in. Your parents trusted me to take care of you, and I don't even know where you are!"

"I'm in the parking lot of our fucking school."

The other's smiles dropped when Taehyun started cursing, realizing that the conversation wasn't that funny anymore. It meant that Taehyun was mad or sad or just overwhelmed now.

"I don't see you."

Taehyun shook his head and looked down for a second. "Of course you don't. You never do."

"Taehyun, what it this about?"

It couldn't have been more obvious. But to people like Beomgyu, what they did was never obvious to them.

"Just shut up."

"Actually come to school dumbass," Beomgyu said before hanging up.

"I wanna beat the fuck out of him," Yeonjun shook his head.

"Don't. It'll only put you in prison," Soobin said, turning off the car. "I would like to hit him too, but he has way too much power for that."

Kai agreed and Taehyun bit his lip. He was somehow still awkward while listening to them talking about that. After everything Beomgyu has already done, Taehyun still didn't really like when people talked bad about him.

Why couldn't he just do what Soobin said and move on? Why couldn't he just accept it and cherish his new friends?


"Taehyun," he heard a voice say from behind him and then his locker was shut. "Talk to me."

Taehyun turned to face Beomgyu. "Get away from me Beomgyu."

"No. Why are you not talking to me?"

"If I remember correctly, you're the one who hung up the phone. And you're the one who has barely conversated with me for the past month!"

"I've just been busy-"

"Beomgyu, why are you talking to him?" Mia asked, walking over to grab his hand.

Taehyun noticed a shake in Beomgyu's eyes as he looked him up and down. "Just telling him when to be home from now on." He was dragged away by the girl and Taehyun sighed when he realized something.

Beomgyu was wearing a loose hoodie that showed his very defined collarbone. And his cheeks were less chubby than they used to be. His eyes looked tired too and he seemed to have a near permanent frown on his face.

Taehyun felt sympathy for him.

Well of course. Beomgyu is his old best friend. It's not like he wasn't gonna be sad that the older was in such a bad place with himself.

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