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julie's p.o.v

they asked me to join the band ?... that's insane but .. idk , should i join ?" yes " why did i even say yess ?? omg , then my phone rang , it was facetime and flynn was calling , i answered and smiled .

" hey flynn" i said with a smile , " hey julesss , listen i made your lyrics into a song and here listen to what came out " she said as she played a beat .


Oh my gloss, what you've done with your makeup?
You've got no color, you've got no flavor, honey
Oh my gloss, don't you know you've got to wake up?
You've got to be glam, you've got to show shine, baby
Oh my gloss, you have such a sorry face
You're needing a haircut
Oh my gloss, what you've done with your makeup?
You've got to be on fleek
Just think about it_____

" oh my god , you made it better thanks , i liked it " i said then i saw the guys were talking , i looked back at the phone and smiled " and im here with these three " i said turning around and raising my phone on the air to show her " hey guys " flynn said yelling " hey " the said , then they went silent , she was stairing at someone , and when i looked at the back , i saw that she was stairing at reggie " oh anyways gotta go bye " i said .

we talked and sang and smiled  then someone came in angry " LUKE FUCKING PATTERSON HOW COULD YOU???" that voice i knew it  it was non other than Carrie Welson " what do you want carrie ?" i answered as i looked at her " oh so it is you , you're the bitch who stole my boyfriend huh ? Julie Molina ??" carrie said " ok carrie first of all we never ever dated , the guys know so fuck off " luke said

 " second of all stop running after my fiance , " i said out of rage , i am so angry right now , " prove it " she said with a smirk " what  ?" i said she smirked again and looked at me then luke " prove that you love each other , kiss " she said , me and luke looked at each other , he winked and i knew what he'll do .

he leaned in and kissed the corner of my lip, it felt good , his lips , i couldn't take it anymoe , i wanna kiss him badly , i moved my lips in top of his and WE KISSED , WE KISSED!!! then we pulled back and smiled at each other , we turned to carrie who was now stunned .

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