going back

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julie's p.o.v

ok so we went to flynns and i packed my bags with flynn and left with luke , i went to his mansion with him , still a little sad so i just stayed silent .

" your gonna be okay, i promise " he said i nodded as i looked out of the window still sad , until we arrived and i didn't realise , we got out of the cars , he took me in and we met his mom in the living room with his dad talking to her .

im so freaking nervous , and i don't know what to do , i wanna cry , i slowed down and turned around from the sadness im feeling but he held my hand , which made me make an eye contact with him again then i nodded , " hey , mom ..... dad " he said , they turned around and Emily immediately came to hug me , i hugged back as a tear spilled but i wiped it .

" oh honey where were you , and why did you ran away ?" Emily asked as she was worried " glad u're back " Mitch said " thanks , but i was with a friend and i ran away cause It became a habit for my mother to slap me in front of people, this is not the first time, I am sorry, but I blame her, because she forces me to do things that I do not want to do, but now I am definitely , definitely and 100% sure that I want your son, he is understanding and able to help and trustworthy unlike The others I've met they all just want to be watched 24 hours a day. so you raised a great son , and i need the bathroom " i said as she led me to the bathroom she hugged me " what did we do to deserve you ?" she said smiling .

" anyways imma talk to your mom about it and you're welcome to stay " she said , i smiled a her and thanked her before entering the bathroom .

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