Chapter 4: Thanksgiving

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Chapter 4: Thanksgiving

John was a bit surprised at how easily he was able to convince me to go watch the competition. I hadn't exactly told him that I'd been going to the rehearsals because I didn't think there was anything to tell.

Cory went with us, knowing he'd get to see more of Santana. I managed to sneak away for a bit when Finn asked me to join them backstage and get a feel of what they were experiencing. I saw Brittany and Sam stretching and giggling off to the side and Blaine answering his phone. I also saw Marley and Jake off in a corner and she seemed to be having a freak out. She looked like a mess.

"What do you think?" asked Finn with a smile as he fixed his tie.

"That everyone looks like they're ready to jump off a ledge," I told him. "But anyway, I better go-"

"Wait," he stopped me, grabbing my arm. "Please, stay and watch from the side with me." I had missed the Warblers performing by being there with him but oh well. I watched the rest with Finn and soon it was time for the New Directions to take the stage. Finn looked out to the audience, then looked back at me and said, "Wait, no, let's watch with Mr. Schue." I followed him for whatever reason and we joined the teacher.

"Finn, hey," he smiled at him, as well as did Ms. Pillsbury. Coach Sue Sylvester gave him a death stare so I took that as my cue to go sit with my brother and John again. I got to my seat right on time to see the guys all take their places as the lights dimmed and the music started. Then Sam Evans jumped in and did some crazy dancing and the girls came out. They started singing and dancing and what not and it was enjoyable.

At some point in the song, the girls jumped on the backs of their partners- except for Wade on Artie, obviously- and I could've sworn I saw Kitty wink at someone in the audience. They kept doing their dancing and the guys- except Artie- left the stage, leaving the girls to dance around Artie.

When the guys came back they were holding confetti launchers and they used them, making it look really cool and full of life. The song was coming to an end and they all went to the back of the stage while still doing their thing, when Cory pointed out that Marley had a weird look on her face. I noticed it, too. She looked like she was going to barf or something. But as the final beat of the song happened and the lights turned back down, I saw Marley fall to the ground. 

Everyone rushed to her and Ryder and Jake carried her out. "Was that a part of the...?" John murmured. I shook my head and looked around for Finn, who was already gone, along with Mr. Schuester and, as Cory pointed out, Santana. Coach Sylvester went to speak with the judges and then she walked out with a rule book in hand. A couple minutes later, Finn came running back in with Jake and he appeared next to me.

"Do the song with Jake," he told me.

"What?" I responded.

"We'll get disqualified if we don't go up there now," Jake said. "Please. Marley can't and you're the only other person who watched us enough to be able to do it." 

"Kitty's getting out of her costume right now so that you can wear it," said Finn.

"I can't," I argued.

"Sam said he heard you in the choir room," he told me. "Let's go." Confused, I followed them backstage, rushing past the Warblers and the other group of weirdos and right past the judges. Kitty was there, glaring at me as I followed her into a room where I quickly put the dress on. We were almost the same size but it was a little bit loose on me. When I was done changing into her dress and Tina's shoes, which fit me best, they rushed me onto the stage, with Jake right behind me. The others, except for Ryder who wasn't there but with Marley in the choir room, stood behind us. The music started and I had no choice but to sing.

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