Chapter 26: Confidence

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We rehearsed for the musical for another week before we were finally supposed to be off-book. They were drilling the numbers and pushing us extra hard. One day after school, we were running musical numbers when Jake decided to not show up.

"We're supposed to do 'You are the Music in Me,'" said Finn. "Where is he?"

"I'll go look for him," said Puck. He and most of the alumni were in town to help us prepare and to watch the approaching musical day. 

"Ok, then, let's do 'What I've Been Looking For,'" Tina and I got off of the stage so that Kitty and Sam could do their number. When they finished, Jake and Puck were not back and we couldn't reach them. So they ran a few other numbers until there was nothing else polished enough to run.

"Ryder, you're taking Jake's spot for now so that Julie and Tina can still practice," said Artie, sending us back on the stage. Tina began playing the piano and Ryder and I sang. Again, that chemistry I tried to avoid by not doing many numbers with him was overwhelming in this song. When we were done, Puck and Jake had already returned.

"Where were you?" asked Finn. 

"I had an emergency with my mom," he said. He looked at Puck and then back at Finn. "Sorry, won't happen again."

"Alright, well, the mentors are about ready to get one-on-one time with you guys," said Finn. "So split up and get some work done. The rest of you can go help Artie with a few things."

I followed Rachel up to the stage, which she, Santana, and Quinn all wanted. So we had to share it, with Rachel and me in the center. Jake and Puck went backstage, Finn talked to John in the audience rows and Mike talked to Ryder next to them. Sam didn't get to have this time, despite needing it more than Ryder, but it was an agreement the alumni had made a long time ago.

"Sharpay is an iconic role," Quinn was telling Kitty, who already had her notepad out. "She's refined and talented and most of all, she's fierce."

"Even when you get stuck with roles that are beneath you," Santana told Marley, "like I did in Rocky Horror... You can still find ways to take the stage and demand the spotlight."

"You are a great performer," Rachel told me. "Having the lead in a musical... It's stressful. The pressure is on you to make it great. Luckily, Blaine is a great fit for Troy and can help you, even though you don't need it."

"Blaine isn't Troy," I told her. "It's Jake, Puck's brother."

"Really?" said Rachel. She looked confused. "Well," she said, "regardless of who your love interest is, you are the star. Show me your vocal range."

I blushed, cleared my throat, and belted a note.

"You can do better than that," said Rachel. "Maybe you just need a song to sing to. How about--"

Marley belted out a note loudly, interrupting us. She looked embarrassed but Santana was smug, so evidently it was the latter's idea. Rachel was about to comment on that when Kitty sang a less beautiful, but still good note.

"Sing-off," Santana said. 

"Any day," Rachel responded.

"I choose the song," Quinn added.

"Girls, I--" started Finn as the guys all came towards us.

"Circus," said Quinn. "Britney Spears."

"Too easy," said Santana.

"Already won," Rachel replied.

"Umm..." I said.

"Sweetie, you need to work on your confidence," Rachel told me.

"Santana, that song is--" Marley began.

"The perfect way of upping your sex appeal," Santana told her.

"What do I need to work on?" Kitty asked Quinn excitedly.

"Being more..." Quinn hesitated. "Quinn..." Kitty grinned and Finn, who was at the controls, started the music. The guys took the front row and we spread out across the stage.

Kitty and Quinn began dancing as they took the center. Kitty sang the first verse, then Quinn, and the two joined each other for the bridge and the chorus. Marley and Santana repeated the same structure. Rachel urged me to get in there before the song ended but I couldn't. I chickened out and I ran out of the room.

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