Chapter 17: Hotel

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Chapter 17: Hotel

I was in the middle of a conversation with Cory and John when Rachel and Finn called us over and told us it was time for our song.

We went up to the stage and sang "Falling" by The Civil Wars. When I sang with John, I realized we didn't have the same chemistry that I had with Sam or even Ryder while performing. And of course there was no denying that the chemistry was there for Finn and Rachel. After singing with us, they sang a duet of "We've Got Tonite" and they practically had song sex.

After watching them, I joined Ryder for a stroll through the hotel. He needed a distraction from Marley and I needed one for Sam, so both of us were eager to get away.

We mostly talked about him and Marley. Since I hadn't told him about the feelings that I possibly had for Sam, I made sure not to bring him up.

"His final gift," he was telling me as we were reaching the end of one of the hallways, "which he actually came up with himself, is a hotel room. He said he was getting laid tonight. I... I saw them leave together and I didn't wanna believe that-" Just as we were rounding the next corner, we saw Jake and Marley leaving a hotel room. Ryder pulled me back and we hid behind the corner. They got into the elevator and finally I was allowed to move.

I saw the look on his face and pitied him. "There's no way they did anything in that short amount of time," I assured him. "If so, it means she didn't like it."

He smiled at me, obviously forcing his lips to curve, and said, "Let's just get back down to the first floor."

I followed him into the other elevator and said, "Just twelve floors to go," as I pressed the button. When we reached the ninth floor, we stopped, the doors opened, and we were joined by Artie and a blonde in a wheelchair. Ryder gave me a they-just-copulated look and I felt uncomfortabled. The feelings grew when we stopped at the next floor and were joined by Blaine and Kurt. Two more floors and Santana and Quinn were also in there with us. And finally, at the third floor, we were joined by none other than Rachel Berry. Alone.

"It's pretty late," said Blaine, breaking the silence. Everyone nodded or said mm-hmm, then it was back to awkward.

"Kurt, I'm heading back to the city," Rachel said as we reached the first floor and the doors opened.

"Now?" he asked her.

"Yup," she said.

"Wait, what were you doing upstairs?" asked Santana as we all stepped out of the elevator.

"Getting some air..." she lied. "You guys?"

"Same," Kurt, Santana, and Quinn said in unison.

"I was having sex," said Artie as he wheeled away with the girl.

Ryder and I walked away without making verbal contact, wanting to avoid any awkward questions.

"So, uh," said Ryder as he walked me to the doors of the reception hall. "See you at school?"

"Um, yeah," I told him. "See ya." I watched him walk away before heading back inside to find my brother.

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