Chapter 19: Inspiration

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Sam and I started hanging out more. He'd come over to my place. I'd go over to his place. But nothing ever happened, in case you're wondering.

Since his break up with Brittany, things had started slowing down with him. He didn't talk about his feelings for me, not once, since so I didn't tell him that I liked him, too. I know it's too soon; Brittany is still hurting and she said she'd be a friend to me in the song she sang for me during Cheer Me Up week.

The Saturday following that eventful week, once everyone was done with their songs and we all shared what we had written down, I decided it was time to host my first New Directions gathering. So, taking advantage of the fact that my dad was going to be out late on a date, Cory and I invited the glee club over for a movie night.

Only Kitty, John, Sam, Marley, and Jake showed up. Cory ended up going out lasertagging with friends, so it felt like it was a triple-date.

Because Sam had been pretty upset the last few days, I made the theme Disney movies. They were among his favorites, shockingly, so it seemed like a good idea.

"This day couldn't be more perfect," Kitty told me as she helped me get the popcorn before starting "The Lion King."

"Why?" I asked. "So far it's been really awkward."

"Yeah," she agreed. "But Joe didn't show up. I've been avoiding him ever since he sang me that song a few days ago."

"Ah..." I said.

"He needs to just get over me already so I can go back to insulting him without feeling weird about it," she said, taking one of the two bowls and leading the way back to the living room. We watched the movie, followed by The Jungle Book and Mulan.


"Seriously, I think Pocahontas has the best soundtrack," Sam was telling me as he walked me to first period the Monday after the movie night.

"No way," I told him. "Ok, 'If I Never Knew You' is really amazing, but the songs in 'Aladdin' are the most fun."

"They're all very great," he told me. "It's hard to choose."

We said goodbye until lunch, when the glee club was told to meet in the choir room. But Finn and Mr. Schue were nowhere to be found.

"Where are they?" asked Brittany. "I have other things to do right now. Like feeding Lord Tubbington. I can't remember if he was allergic to chocolate or peanut butter..."

"I haven't seen them all morning," I said.

"Yeah," agreed Jake. "They aren't... Whoa!" Everyone followed his gaze to the door on the left, where Mr. Schue and Finn walked in with Ms. Pillsbury.

"Ms. Pillsbury!" exclaimed Tina with much enthusiasm. "You're back!"

"Yes," said she in that soft voice of hers. "And actually, I am Mrs. Schuester now." She held up her palm to expose a ring on her finger and everyone gasped and cheered and congratulated them.

"Where have you been?" Tina asked excitedly. "We all thought you had ran away!"

"Where I was doesn't matter," Ms. Pillsbury said, "because Will and Finn found me, I was able to get married, and now I'm back here, in this room, with an important lesson to teach."

"Wait, what did you do in all the time you were in hiding?" asked Kitty.

"I can answer that with this week's assignment," she replied, "which is... Drum roll please..." We did the drum roll as Mr. Schue ran over to the white board and begin writing. "Disney!" Ms. Pillsbury exclaimed.

I looked at Sam and he smiled at me. Brittany saw. Crap.

"Hit it boys," said Ms. Pillsbury. And then she began a song:

7 AM, the usual morning lineup:

Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

She continued the song and I was happily listening and jamming to the amazing song from "Tangled." Of course, another great Disney movie I'd forgotten about.

When Ms. Pillsbury had finished her song, she said, "I actually got the idea for this week's them from overhearing Sam and Julie talking about Disney films and then I realized I actually had a lot in common with Rapunzel. As a kid, my parents locked me up from the real world so much that I was really guarded and cautious, then comes OCD."

"The week's assignment is somewhat like the Born This Way assignment two years ago," said Mr. Schue. "when some of you here made t-shirts with your flaws or vulnerabilities on them. This time, your assignment is to choose a Disney character you resemble in some shape or form because of their own weaknesses. At the end of the week, you will all come together, dressed as that character, and do a group number. So think hard all day because after school today, I want you all to have a character ready. Get to it."

Sam immediately went to Will to ask for more details, incredibly excited, while Wade, Kitty, and Marley crowded around me.

"What's the deal with you and Sam?" Kitty asked me. I felt my ears get hot and tried my best not to blush.

"There's nothing going on between us," I told her. "We're just friends."

"Girl, please," said Wade in a whisper, but still with as much attitude as if she had been yelling. "There is more chemistry going on between you and him than I ever saw between him and Britt. Now spill. Are you dating?"

"No, of course not," I said. "I'll admit, sometimes I do feel like the chemistry is at a high level but... I've had enough of boyfriends without ever having had one." I thought of John and Jake. Both of them with girlfriends, happy, even though I had thought for some time that maybe they would fall in love with me and leave them. Only... Sam actually did leave his girlfriend. But considering that he hadn't spoken to me about there being an 'us' since then, I wasn't too sure he had left her for me.

Sam walked over before the girls could say anything else and pulled me aside. His back was faced to them, and past him I could see them staring us down. I sure was glad Brittany had left the room with Tina and Blaine or else it would have been very obvious and she'd hate me for sure.

"What's up?" I asked Sam, trying to ignore the excited looks on my friends' faces.

"I was just wondering what song you want to sing with me to kick off Disney week after school," he said with a smile. Those lips of his... so big and kissable...

"I'm not sure that's-" I began.

"It's a great idea," Mrs. Schuester chimed in from beside us. "I mean, it was inspired by the two of you. Plus, Julie, didn't you sing a Disney song for Sectionals with Jake? And the first time when Sam heard you singing and told Finn so he could recruit you? Let's face it. Disney songs are how you inspired Sam, Finn, Will, Jake, and me. So inspire the rest of the glee kids." She smiled and walked away.

"Do you know every song?" Sam asked.

"From every movie?" I asked. "Not at all! But I do know a good bunch of them..."

"Then I'll brainstorm for the rest of the day," he said, "and choose a great song for us. I'll catch you later and hope you know the one I go with." He winked and walked off.

"We better get going before we catch the after lunch traffic," said Marley as the rest of the glee members started leaving. She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I'll catch you later," Kitty mocked, winking at me like Sam had as she passed by me.

Glee: A Brand New Direction (first book of Glee series)Where stories live. Discover now