Chapter 14: Diva

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Chapter 14: Diva

The following week, Finn and Ms. Pillsbury announced that we'd be having Diva Week. Everyone was really excited for the competition, except for the straight guys and, of course, me. Brittany suggested that we all do a glammed up performance of a Beyonce song. While they put it together after school, Sam took a seat next to me. It was only Blaine, Unique, and the other girls doing it.

"Why aren't you competing?" he asked me.

"I don't really feel like having the other girls beat me out on yet another thing," I said.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"I-" I started.

"Hey, Jules," said John as he approached me. "You ok? You've looked kind of down lately."

"I'm fine," I said. But he was already engrossed by Kitty and Brittany doing some cute little move together. "Perfectly fine..." I trailed off.

I looked back at Ryder, who was sitting with Jake until the latter was called on stage by Marley to help her with something. I joined Ryder and asked why he looks so depressed.

"I'm only isolated because I'm pretty sure Blaine is coming down with something and I don't want to catch it," he said. "What about you? Why aren't you doing the competition?"

"I don't really think it's worth my confidence to be beaten out by those girls," I said. "They're all obviously bigger divas."

He shook his head. "Julie," he started, "being a diva isn't just about the clothes, the hair, the makeup, and the performance. It's about having a voice that moves people completely. That's something you definitely have over all of them."

"Even Marley?" I asked. He didn't answer so I didn't push it, not really sure I even wanted to know the answer.

The next day Blaine sang "Don't Stop Me Now" and was followed by Santana's return to Lima with a performance of "Nutbush City Limits" with her cheerleaders. I could feel the tension between her and Brittany and Sam. I had to wait until study hall to get some rehearsal time in, but Sam and Santana were already there, having a sing-off. I spotted Ryder on the other side of the auditorium, also watching as they fought over Brittany. At some point they left and it was just Ryder and me. I joined him on stage and we just looked around before finally looking at each other.

"How did it feel?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Watching the guy you're in love with fighting for someone else," he said.

"The same way it must feel to watch Jake and Marley everyday," I said. He stayed quiet and then smiled.

"I challenge you to our own sing-off," he said. "Whatever song you were about to sing."

"Maybe something by Taylor Swift?" I offered up. "I do like her."

He smiled once again. "Another subtle diva. Like you." He took my iPod from my hand and set it up. When the song started, he began to sing and then I sang, too. Once the song was over, I realized I felt not only a deep annoyance towards him but also an undeniable chemistry.

The next day, Tina gave a fierce performance of "Hung Up" by Madonna in the courtyard during lunch. After school, it was announced that she was the winner. We all cheered.

"She never wins anything!" I heard Brittany cheer. After everyone congratulated her, Ryder took a stand at the front of the room.

"Although the competition is over," he said, "there is a diva who was not heard all week and deserves some acknowledgement." He pointed at me and I blushed as he pulled me up and to the front with him.

"Well, um," I started. "One of my favorite divas was not sung all week. So I think it's only fair that we celebrate her subtle diva-ness. Ryder, want to join me?" He smiled and I whispered the name of the song to the band. Then Ryder and I performed "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele.

I forgot everything about the week during the song. I felt powerful. I felt empowered. And I guess that's what being a diva was really about.

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