[[Throwing The Game]] Cedric Diggory

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    Here I am fifty feet in the air. The biggest game of the year, about to happen right below me. Waiting above for the whistle to blow, I have planned on throwing the game. Why? You may ask. Its simple. Cedric. Cedric is the reason I have planned on throwing this game. Yes, you might be confused now. It started two days ago. The Yule Ball.

    "What the hell are you doing with her? You know she has the biggest crush on you." I yelled outside the Great Hall Doors.

    "It was just dance. It didn't mean anything."

    "That is the thing Cedric. Cho has liked you forever, so she might take it as something. And the fact that you havent even danced with me at all since we have been here could also be a good reason on how you are acting like a prick."

    "You're getting jealous over something stupid. I would never cheat on you wi-" Cedric started.

    I cut him off, "That is the thing you HAVE cheated on all your exes. They warned me not to go out with you, but what do I do, I go out with you. You, Cedric, are the biggest mistake I have ever made. I HATE YOU!"

    I started crying and ran to the Hufflepuff commonroom.

    "Let the game begin!" Lee, the announcer, shouted in the microphone.

    I raced to the top to catch the quaffle, but Angelina beat me to it. I chased after her and kicked her until she let go of the basketball like quaffle. I zoomed down and got the ball. I rode my broom all the way to the goal. I was about to throw the ball but then I froze. On purpose. I knew that Angelina was going to try to take it away from me and I let her.

    "Riley, I love you." This was the first time Cedric ever told me he loved me, or any girl from what I heard.    

   Girls would tell me that he never wants to commit, so therefore he never says those three lovely words.

     Say something Riley, "I love you too."

    I did mean those words, with all my heart.

    Cedric walked over to me and kissed me passionately on the lips.

    "Riley look out!" I heard Cedric call to me.

   With my reflex kicking in, I ducked. Just in time I might add. Cedric saved me, even though I was being stupid and not paying attention to the game that I just happen to be throwing. To make it look less obvious, I stole the quaffle and got us points. I did that for about ten minutes. But I stopped when I got a sharp pain in my arm.

    "I got you something." Cedric said when I opened the door to my bedroom on Christmas eve.

    A smile grew on my face, "What is it?"

    "You have to wait until Christmas."

    "That is too long away, I want to know now!" I whined.

    He smiled and said, "Ok. But you have to give me a kiss."

    I laughed and gave him a kiss. 

    "Close your eyes."

    I shut my eyes until he said open.

    When I did I saw the most beautiful pink ring shaped like a heart.

    "I love it. Thank you!"

    "I promise you that I will love you forever and always. So this promise ring is to show that. I never want to do anything to hurt you. I promise."

    "Oww that is going to leave a mark." Lee said, talking about my arm.

    I snapped out of my thought and looked at Harry Potter. He almost had the snitch. If we scored one more point with the quaffle, we could win either way. That is when I relized, it was all up to me. I smield and this is where my plan comes in. People should know, never piss me off. As I was about to give the quaffle to Gryffindor, all the great memories and things that Cedric has done for me ran through my mind. That is when I noticed,there is no way I will be able to throw this game. I love Cedric. I dont want to hurt him like this. I threw the ball in the goal just before Harry caught the snitch. I flew to the ground as the Hufflepuff crowd screamed in excitement. I started walking towards the lockerrooms, disappointed in myself. This was the one thing I knew I could do to get Cedric back.

    "Riley wait!" I heard behind me.

    I turned and saw Cedric. Tears were forming in my eyes.

    "Great job up there." He said.

    "I got to go." I tried to walk way but I couldnt.

    Cedric grabbed my arm. The one that got hit. I winced in pain, but I made it so that he did not notice. He kept hold of it as he talked, " I love you Riley, please dont be mad at me. I swear I dont have feelings for Cho, or any girl for that matter. Except you."

    "Im sorry for snapping out on you at the ball. I must tell you that I was planning on throwing this game because of you. But I couldn't pull myself to do it, because I kept having flashbacks of all the great things you've done for me. I love you too."

    "I guess its a good thing I have done nice things for you."

    I laughed. The next thing I knew, Cedric grabbed both my arms, I tried so hard not to scream out in pain, and pulled me into a kiss.

    After about a minute or so, I pulled away and said, "I love you."

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