Let's Make The Impossible, Possible. Brian O'Conner.

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    I'm sorry things ended the way they did. My mom has been jumping down my throat about everything. Ever since we moved away, I haven't had my personal space. She read my diary, she listened on the other end of my phone conversations, and she'll also follow me on my way to school. I just want her to leave me alone. I guess, since she found out about us, I'll never have my own life again. When will you come save me from this hell hole? I guess I better give you this before she comes back home and we leave for good, for now.

    I love you with all my heart,


    I've been reading the same letter for the past four years. Charli and I were madly in love, her mom didn't approve of it. We were secretly dating for a year and a half. One day her mom saw me give her a kiss goodbye. She was not happy. She yelled at Charli, like she was a dog and within that week, they packed up and left.

    Her mom was a terrible mom. She acted like she didn't care at all about Charli. Once she knew I was eighteen and she was fifteen, that was the end of it. Or so she thought. We were openly dating for six months before all of that. I knew her mom disapproved of me, that is why we didn't hang out much at her house. Mostly at mine. Finally when Charli's mom figured out my age, she disapproved. Apparently, she thought that me and her were having sex or something. We had to end it right infront of her. Secretly, we didn't. We dated after that too.

    I would have loved to go and get her away from her mother, and I probably would have done it by now, but she didn't reply back to my letters. I sent her one every six months for three years. I stopped after awhile, thinking about how she found someone better than me. Someone who her mom likes. Crushed by that thought, I moved on myself. I tried anyways. That is where I am now. Mia. I was working as an undercover cop when I met her. When she found that out, it broke her heart, but we worked through it. Maybe she is supposed to be the one...

~Charli's POV~

    Twenty-first birthday and I am spending it on a plane. Most girls would be mad about it. Normally I would too, but I'm going back to Los Angeles. My hometown. The place where I left all my friends... and the one I love. Well, I thought I loved. I sent him a letter everyday for seven months, but he didn't respond to one. After I gave up, I tried moving on. I met this real nice guy named Justin, but he cheated on me. I don't blame him though. I was seventeen and he was twenty. I was probably too young for him anyway.

    Before I knew it I was off the plane and at my temporary apartment. I only rented it for a couple months, until I got enough money for a more decent one. I sat at my kitchen table staring at my cell phone. I wasn't sure if Brian still had the same number or not. But I had to know, it was just working up the courage on calling it.

    Come on Charli, you can do it. It's probably not even the same. It's been four years.

    I picked my phone up and scrolled down to his contact. I pressed the green call button.

    It rang twice and then a voice said. "Hello." My voice was caught in my throat when I recognized the voice. That deep, sexy, masculine voice. "Hello?" The voice repeated. 

    I hung up. I couldn't do it. Not over the phone.


    I pulled up infront of his old house, not sure if he still lived there. I had to do it. I had to knock on the door. Sure if he didn't live here and someone else did, I'd be embarrassed. Who wouldn't? But atleast I could say I tried.

    I shut the car off and placed my feet that were covered with brown ugg boots out of the car. Walking up to the door, I began to shake.

    Knock, knock.

    The door opened and a girl with wavy brown hair answered. The girl was tall with pretty brown eyes. "Sorry, I mus-"

    I was cut off by a beautiful accent that I came to love. "Mia, whose at the door.

    She moved the door slightly to show Brian O'Conner. My long lost love, standing in front of me with a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I knew by the face he had on that there was hurt in my eyes.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

    After that said, I ran back to my car. I didn't let my tears fall until my car was completely out of view of his house. I knew it was too good to be true. I found myself speeding passed my crappy apartment. Passed the 'You Are Now Leaving Los Angeles' sign and to that special place.

    I despise this car. It always breaks down at the wrong time. I managed to steer the car to the side of the road. I popped the head and started coughing from the smoke escaping from the engine. I closed the hood of the car and just leaned against it, waiting for someone to find me. I took the country roads, because it was the most abandoned. Ok, so I'm fifteen and shouldn't be driving. I stole this car from my mom. I'm regretting it right about now.

    Twenty minutes later, a car pulled over. "What seems to be the problem?"

    I smiled at his gorgeous blue eyes. "It won't start. I was driving and it died."

    He eyed me suspiciously. "How old are you?"

    "Sixteen." I lied.

    He looked unconvinced but shrugged it off. "I'll give you a jump."

    He pulled some jumper cables out of the back of his car.

    "I'm Charli. Charli Harris."

    "Brian O'Conner." He shifted the cables to his left hand and extended his right. I shook it, loving the feeling of his touch.

    The car started almost instantly. I thanked Brian and was about to get my car, when Brian turned back to me. "Listen, I'm usually not this straight forward, but I was just on my way to get something to eat,if you want to come with."

    I smiled. "Lead the way."

    I bit my lip as I leaned against my car in the same spot.

    "What seems to be the problem?" I heard the same voice, I did six years ago.

    I didn't even look at him when I said. "The guy I loved was supposed to save me from the hell hole I was forced to call home, but he moved on."

    "I don't know if you'd say that." He leaned against my right beside me. I stiffened up. "Maybe if you would write back to his letters-"

    I caught him off. "What letters? I wrote you letters everyday... I didn't get one at all."

    "I only got the letter you left me, the day you left."

    My eyes narrowed. "Mom." I said it with so much venom. Brian rubbed my arms knowing that is what calms me down. "I can't believe she would do so much to keep us apart."

    Brian kissed my forehead. "All that doesn'tmatter anymore. When you called me-"

    "You knew it was me?"

     He laughed. "Of course. I kept your number in my phone waiting for you to call."

    I blushed. "Sorry, I didn't call. My mom deleted your number out of my phone, but once things calmed down, I added it again. I remember it by heart. I was sure-"

    Brian cut my rambling off by his lips. It was a short kiss but after he pulled away he said. "I love you so much."

    I bit my lower lip. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to hear you say that."

   "And I still mean it. Every word of it."

    I kissed him again. He started walking away, but turned back to me. "Listen, I'm usually not this straight forward, but I was just on my way to get something to eat, if you want to come with."

I blinked back my tears of joy and said shaky. "Lead the way."

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