Drugs And Alcohol ?Steve-O?

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    My fingers tapped impatiently on the wooden table. I hate guys and I especially hated my fiancee. I know that seems harsh, and its not entirely true. I love him, I just hate the things he does. First he puts his life on the line every damn day. Then he gets high and drunk. I just can't go through life knowing that there is a great chance that I can lose him at any moment. His life outside the house can be a mystery. I know he is recording for Jackass, but when Johnny Knoxville or Chris Pontius call asking for Steve-O, it gets me wondering.

    The front door opened and Steve-O stumbled in. "Steve! Where have you been?"

    "I was hanging out with the guys."

    "What guys?" I questioned.

    He sat down on the couch. "Tim, Jason, Rafael-"

    I cut him off "Steve, are you high?"

    Steve-O looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. "I only did a little. It was nothing."

    "It was nothing? You promised me you weren't going to do drugs! You lied to me."

    He took a step closer to me. "I didn't do much."

    I ran to my room and packed an over night bag.

    "Where are you going to stay?" Steve-O asked as I zipped my dufflebag closed.

    I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Kelly's. My mom's. Hell, my car would be better then staying here."

    "You don't mean that."

    I nodded my head vigoriously. "Yes I do. Listen, I love you. That is why I don't like when you're high." I walked out of the bedroom, but then I poked my head back in to the room. "Oh by the way, Happy Anniversary." I took off my engagement ring and tossed it next to him on the bed.

    I walked out of the room and towards the door. On the way I searched through my phone and called my friend Kelly.

    She didn't answer her phone. I called my mom. She didn't answer her phone. I pulled my car over in a nearby park.

    I banged my head on the steering wheel repeatedly. How could he do this? He has been clean for a year and six days. He promised me he wouldn't do it again. And on top of that, he does it on our three year anniversary.

    I was brought out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my window. The guy was wearing a police uniform and there was a police car behind me.

    "Ma'am, there is no parking here after ten."

    I looked at the time on the car. 12:02. "Sorry, I'll just...leave."

    The cop left and I started my car. I had no other choice. I have to go back home. I sped down the street and got to the house in less then two minutes. I took a deep breath and opened the front door. Steve was no where in sight. He must still be in the bedroom. I grabbed my pajamas and just changed in the livingroom.

    I must have fell asleep, because the next thing I know, the door was opening and I hear."There you are!"

     I open my eyes and see Steve-O. I close my eyes and pray that I was just dreaming. I wasn't. "I'm only back, because the cop wouldnt let me sleep in the park."

    "Nelly, please forgive me. I made a mistake. If you forgive me, then I promise I will never do it again."

    "Promises mean everything but once their broken, sorry means nothing."

    Steve fell silent. "I'll just let you sleep." He started walking to the kitchen. "I love you."

    I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I wiped it away and made myself comfortable on the couch. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Where are you taking me." I asked laughing.

"Just wait. Don't take the blindfold off."

    He directed me to a mystery place, but when he took the blindfold off I saw the most beautiful sunset. I turned around to kiss Steve but he wasn't at my height, instead he was down on one knee. My breath was caught in my throat.

    "Nelly, ever since I first met you on the set of Wild Boyz, I have been in love with you. I haven't once thought of being with anyone else. That is why I am sure you are the one I want to be with. Will you marry me?"

    I choked back the tears of joy I had and nodded. He got up and kissed me passionatly. When he pulled away, he said. "You are my one and only."

    I shot up and looked around I was confused on where I was at first. Then I remember last night. I got up from the couch and walked to my bedroom. Steve-O was sleeping peacefully. I sat on the edge of the bed next to him. I shook him lightly.

    "Wha-" He looked dazed, but when he realized it was me, he woke up more. "Whats wrong?"

    "Did you mean it?"

    "Mean what?" He sat up in bed.

    "The day you proposed to me, you said I was your one and only. Did you mean it?"

    He pulled me on to his lap and said. "Every word."

    "Steve, I'm sorry I overreacted."

    Steve-O nuzzled his face into my neck. "You shouldn't appologized. I'm sorry. I'll never hurt you like that again."

    "I hope you mean it this time."

    "I do. I love you." I cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him.

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