Life Changes #John Cena#

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All of the fans hate when a good wrestler goes bad. The thing is, they don't know how the power gets to their head. The crowd cheering, the solid gold belt in their hands, and the massive attention that is handed to them. It all goes to their head. That's what happened to me.

"The winner, and still Women's Champion, KiKi." Fire Burning by Sean Kingston blared through the arena as I flipped my blonde hair and held up my title. The smirk on my face has changed through the past few weeks. When I first won my title, I was that sweet and innocent diva. Now, however, I formed into a diva with a fierce attitude. I was about to get out of the ring, when the Nexus' came out. I was about to jump out of the ring, but they surrounded it. As soon as they all came into the ring and formed a circle around me, I started to get scared. Wade Barrett walked up to me and planted a disgusting kiss on my lips. I pushed him off and that is how it all started out.

I felt someone push me from behind and I fell on my stomach. It made mad that these... people were trying to embarrass me in front of all the fans. I got up quickly and swung at what ever guy was closet, with my belt. The guy fell to the ground, but that wasn't enough to save my ass. Although I couldn't see who did it, I just know someone pushed me down again. This time they turned me over, got on top of me, and raised his fist at me. I shielded my face and closed my eyes, preparing myself for the blow.

All of a sudden, he was ripped off of me and everything got hectic. I rolled out of the ring and pushed myself against the barrior. I looked into the ring and saw John Cena, Edge, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, and R-Truth. The only person missing was Bret Hart. I wouldn't have expected him to come out anyway.

Once John Cena's team scared the Nexus' out of the ring, I got up and went to John's side. We just got out of a relationship, but I figured this was a sign that we were back together. I mean he saved my life, that has got to mean something. Right?

"Thanks for saving my butt out there." I whispered to him as we made our way backstage. He looked at me and shook his head before walking away from. "What's your problem? You should want to be with me. I'm the Diva's Champion!"

John whipped around. "That is exactly why I don't want to be with you. Ever since you beat Maryse for the belt, you've changed too much. I tried to get used to it, but you've changed into a complete bitch. I don't want to be with you when you act like this."

My mouth hung open as I watched him walk away from me. It felt like I stood in the same spot for a lifetime and longer, but Maryse broke my trance. "What's wrong with you?"

Her sneer told me that she didn't care. So I just rolled my eyes and went to change out of my wrestling gear.

"Keesha." I heard once I walked out of the locker room. I turned around and saw Ted DiBiase.I groaned silently and waited for him to catch up to me. "I heard you and Cena broke up."

"Yeah. So?"

"How about we go back to the hotel, together. Maybe we can spend a little one on one time with eachother. Ya know, talk." He winked.

I laughed a little. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

"We could make John jealous."

I thought for a second. He had a point. I turned back to him and then had second thoughts. "I'm not that desperate."

Ted didn't take my comment well, but at least it got him to walk away. I walked outside and saw that John's car was still here. The smile on my face brightened as I walked over to it. He wasn't anywhere in sight, so I decided to just lean against it and wait for him.

Five minutes passed when John finally walked out of the arena and to his car. I saw his eyes roll and shoulders slump when he spotted me on his car.

"Hey John." I spoke.

He unlocked his car. "What do you want?"

"An explanation."

"I gave you one earlier. I told you that I didn't like the new you." He sat in his car and I got in the passenger seat. "Please get out of my car."

"That wasn't the explanation I wanted. I want to know why you just gave up on me. On us."

He laid his head back on the head rest and said. " I didn't know what to do. You were turning into all the other horrible wrestlers and divas. I think I just panicked."

"Will you ever give me a second chance?"

"I don't think so."

My head dropped and I got out of the car. John sped away and I walked over to my own vehicle.

I had to get him back and I knew just how to do it.

~John Cena's P.O.V~

I threw my dirty clothes and my now wet towel in my pile of clothes and flipped the television on. It wasn't surprising when I couldn't get Keesha out of my head. She was the girl I fell too hard for. Just as CSI came back on from a commercial, there was a soft ping from my window. At first I ignored it, but they kept coming. More frequent.

Sighing, I rolled out of the bed and opened my blinds. The sight I caught, took me by surprise. There Keesha was standing under something written in chalk. I read what she wrote:

I love you too much to lose you!

I'll make life changes, just to be with you.

Please forgive me.

I closed the curtain.

~My P.O.V~

Tears welled in my eyes as John closed the curtain on me. I turned around and tried to figure out what was wrong with my words. Maybe they were too weird and awkward. I was about to walk away, when someone picked me up and spun me around.

"What the he-"

My sentence was cut short by a kiss on my lips. I looked up and saw John.

"I missed you so much." He said to me.

I bit my lip. "It wasn't too much?"

He shook his head. "It was perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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