I'd Do Anything ~Nick Stokes~

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     My eyes blinked open as the light in the living room flicked on. I lifted my body off the couch as the security blanket fell from my waist to the carpeted floor. I looked at the one responsible for the lights and saw the main reason for me sleeping on the uncomfortable sofa.

     "Nick? What time is it?" I asked half asleep.

     Nick kneeled down next to the couch so that he was eye level with me. He brushed a strand of loose hair out of my face."What are you doing down here? You should be in bed."

     He completely ignored my question. I pushed his hand away. "What time is it?"

     He seemed hesitant. "Its two thirty-"

     I cut him off. "What!? Nick! You told me you weren't going to take extra shifts or any over time."

     "I know Jess, but there was a case of a group of people beating up tourists and they are still on the run."

     "I don't care, Nick! You broke your promise." I got off of the couch and Nick grabbed a hold of my hand. "You didn't even bother to call." I said before yanking my hand away.

     I started folding the blanket when Nick said. "Someone needs to pay for this house, since you're not helping at all."

     I threw the blanket on the floor, not caring if it came unfolded. "You know damn well that I have no time between going to school and studying."

     "And yet, you can find time for those champaigne parties you throw in my house."

    I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't even say another word. I turned around slowly and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing my coat.

     "Where are you going?" Nick asked following me out the door.

     "Don't worry about me." My voice has a bitter sweet tone to it. I looked at him up and down, my face showing disgust. "Should be easy enough."

     "Jess, please." Nick said as I continues walking. "Jess! Jessica!" He yelled.

     I rolled my eyes and spoke calmly. "I'm going Elizabeth's."

     "Let me at least take you."

     "No thanks. I don't want to be anywhere near you."

   I knew Nick was going to object, but I didn't care. Why should I? Sure I might have over exaggerated things in the beginning, but then Nick is the one who turned it sour. I turned down the alley leading to my friend from college's house.

     I shoved my hands in my coat pocket and ignored the scary scenery that was surrounding me. Dark alleys aren't my favorite things, but its better than walking an extra fifteen minutes. I think.

     Elizabeth's house came into view three minutes later. My pace quickened as I heard strange noises behind me. 

     Come on Jess, stop be so dramatic. Its probably nothing. If you're so worried call Elizabeth right now and tell her you're on your way over there.

     I grabbed my phone from my back pocket of my jeans and pressed the three button. Before I could move my thumb to press the green button, my phone went flying ahead of me, and I went face flat on the ground. Trying to reach out for my phone, someone kicked my side. I rolled over to my back. My eyes started to squint as I looked up to see the people responsible. They're faces were different. I believe they were wearing masks, but I couldn't tell as there was a blow to my stomach. I clenched my stomach and rolled to my right. This caused them to repeatedly kick my back and stomach. One of the many people, pushed me back onto my back and started punching me in the face.

     Just when I thought that I wasn't going to make it, I saw lights shine from the opposite end of the alley. I didn't care who it was, they could have ran me over. As far as I cared, I was dead. The guys quickly left. Except for one. He stood above me, holding a rock about to bash my head in. I glared up at him. As long as it put me out of this pain that I was currently feeling.

     I heard the engine rumble as the guy looked back at the light. He started to walk towards the car. The last thing I remember was a thud.

Nick's P.O.V.

     I waited impatiently in the hospital waiting room. She's in recovery and in unstable condition.

     "You alright?" I looked up and saw my best friend Warrick.

     A fake chuckle escaped my lips. "Are you seriously asking that? Come on man, does it look like I'm alright? My fiancee is unstable right now and just barely made it out of surgery. Hell no I am not fine."

     "She is going to be alright. You and her are lucky that Grissom made Greg do a sweep of the town."

     "Yeah I know. I would be thanking him, but he's beat up almost as bad as her. I swear when we catch these-"

     "Jessica Hill is in her room. I can take you up there, now." The nurse told me.

     I nodded and before getting up I turned back to him. "I'll tell you how she is."

     Warrick gave me a reassuring pat on the back. I gave him a half smile and followed closely behind the nurse.

     I walked into the room, but turned around as I caught a glimpse of her. I have seen many of dead bodies and seeing the girl that I love looking like one of them, hurt me inside. I just wish I could have been the one there to save her.

     I ran my hand through my hair for the millionth time. This can't be happening. Jess, please come walking through that door. Elizabeth is not answering her phone and neither is Jessica.

     I ran to my phone as it rang. I looked at who it was, but found myself disappointed when I saw Greg was calling. "Hello?"

     "Nick! You're gonna want to get down to the hospital as soon as possible. Just wait in the emergency room, you'll find out way."

     "Tell me why."

     I heard him sigh. "No time. Gotta go."

     Before he hung up, I heard him speed toward something. Shit.

    I held her hand as my other hand brushed the black strands of hair out of her partially bruised face. Jess could have her whole face purple and blue and she will still look beautiful to me.

     My eyes shot towards her hand as it lightly squeezed mine. I placed my hand over it and kissed it softly. "Jess, I am sorry about coming home late. I'd do anything just to have you wake up and let me know that you are going to survive this. I'm so scared right now."

     "N-Ni-" She tried speaking.

     "Shh, you don't have to say anything."

    The nurse came in and saw her open her eyes slowly. "Well hello Miss. Hill, glad you're awake."

     She tried to smile, but a look of pain crossed over her face. Her head turned to me. "D-Didn't I t-tell you not to worry about me?" She tried to laugh which caused her to clutch her stomach.

     "I'd do anything for you. I love you."

     "I love you, too."

      I smiled and kissed her on her faintly bruised lips. Atleast I know she is gonna be alright.

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